Out of the box

Got my Hubitat and trying to connect to it and it's not working. I have a Google wifi mesh. So I have my spectrum router and the main google router connected to that. I also have a Netgear switch with 8 different ports. I plugged it into one of the ports. The Hubitat turns green but it still won't connect. Any suggestions?

If you're using Chrome on Windows - there is currently an unresolved issue with the latest Chrome (on Windows). Can you use another browser - like Firefox?

Also tagging @bobbyD


Also when I set mine up I needed to use the MAC address to get connected.

I have pretty much the same setup as you and I a have no problems at all. I have mine plugged into the switch, but I use Firefox or Safari. Both browsers work OK.

Thank you for reaching out. It is not clear based on your first post how the hub, the Netgear* switch and the device you are using to set up the hub are connected to your main router. It sounds like the device is not on the same network (subnet) as your hub.

'* Netgear network switches are known to have issues managing the hub's link properly. I recommend connecting the hub directly into your main router, as well as the device you are using to set up your hub.

I figured it out. I had to go into google wife and look for it. I have put most of my switches up. How do I do the same for my Kasa smart plugs? I have searched on youtube but couldnt find a direct answer

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Really? I haven’t read that anywhere nor am I having issues. I am about to search but could you supply a link?

Edit: wow chrome is the wrong word to use in a search. Lol.


It only arises at the portal when trying to discover hubs.

I can't - because it was a private conversation. But perhaps one of the others (or maybe @bobbyD) in that conversation who observed it can comment here?


From Registration and Setup docs

Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browser (prior to the Chromium version) are not supported. Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience, but Firefox may also be used.

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Can confirm this conversation. There is a bug due to a recent Chrome update. I think it is pretty recent update, maybe a week or so old at this point?

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I mentioned it the other day, here:


Ah, got it. Thanks.

Thanks Bobby


I have a Google wife too, although she keeps talking even when I don't ask her anything and she seems to know everything.

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