Osram Lightify Flex RGBW color problem

Can’t make it orange, any idea?


Could you be a bit more specific? What are you using to make it orange? Can you post a screen shot of what you're using?

Hey. I had a similar issue. I couldn't get it to change colors. When I first paired the device it defaulted the "Device Type" to "Generic Zigbee CT bulb (dev)". By simply changing the device type to Generic Zigbee RGBW Light, that fixed my issue and I was able to change the color. If you are still having trouble here is the forum post that helped me figure out the correct settings.

https: //community .hubitat. com/t/lightify-flex-strips-color-issue/20546/3

*Sorry for the jank formatting, don't have permission to add a link in the post and I am not familiar with Discourse enough to know how to reference another forum post besides a link

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