Optimizing Zigbee Network Across Three Buildings with Hubitat C-8

Hi @csteele & @steve.maddigan, thanks so much for your answers :pray: :pray:

Okay, I understand that I need to install a Hubitat device in each building. So, the only kind of "extender" for Hubitat is another Hubitat itself?

What about this thread, for example? Harmony Home Hub Extender – doesn't it also extend the Hubitat network?

And regarding what I wrote earlier, "I'm trying to figure out the best strategy to extend the network without having to modify all devices if I add a mesh or repeater for the Hubitat (I read about this in a forum thread but didn't fully understand it)," does that ring a bell? Will adding a Hubitat in each building also solve this problem?

Thanks so much for your kind help!!
All the best,