
It works for me?


Are you certain you have the optional attribute turned on?

You should also check the number of decimals you have selected for precipitation. Maybe it is rounding to zero. Try increasing the number of decimals shown.

If so, turn on Extended Logging an look in the logs to see if OWM is returning a value in the poll.

1 Like

Same problem here. It's on and I set "Display decimals for Precipitation" to 2 -- Still showing 0

2020-06-06 05:28:16.519 pm Weather Driver - INFO: Summary_precip: There has been no precipitation today.

minutely:[[dt:1591485720, precipitation:1.332], [dt:1591485780, precipitation:1.054], [dt:1591485840, precipitation:0.989], [dt:1591485900, precipitation:0.925], [dt:1591485960, precipitation:0.867], [dt:1591486020, precipitation:0.687], [dt:1591486080, precipitation:0.687], [dt:1591486140, precipitation:0.626], [dt:1591486200, precipitation:0.526], [dt:1591486260, precipitation:0.526], [dt:1591486320, precipitation:0.428], [dt:1591486380, precipitation:0.411], [dt:1591486440, precipitation:0.324], [dt:1591486500, precipitation:0.278], [dt:1591486560, precipitation:0.206], [dt:1591486620, precipitation:0],

  • condition_code : rain
  • condition_text : Moderate rain
  • rainDayAfterTomorrow : 0
  • rainToday : 0
  • rainTomorrow : 0

My driver does not pull 'minutely' data' Not sure where that came from? The rain used comes from the ' daily' series.

2020-06-06 05:32:53.645 pm [info]( Weather Driver - INFO: OpenWeatherMap Data: [current:[sunrise:1591443147, temp:66.11, visibility:16093, uvi:11.68, pressure:1007, clouds:75, feels_like:54.41, wind_gust:25.28, dt:1591486380, wind_deg:150, dew_point:44.19, sunset:1591496803, weather:[[icon:09d, description:shower rain, main:Rain, id:521], [icon:11d, description:thunderstorm, main:Thunderstorm, id:211]], humidity:45, wind_speed:18.34], timezone:America/Denver, timezone_offset:-21600, daily:[[rain:1.6, sunrise:1591443147, temp:[min:62.67, max:75.56, eve:75.56, night:62.67, day:66.11, morn:66.11], uvi:11.68, pressure:1007, clouds:75, feels_like:[eve:64.04, night:55.71, day:54.97, morn:54.97], dt:1591466400, wind_deg:197, dew_point:44.19, sunset:1591496803,

Is this not your driver?

State Variables

  • Copyright : Ⓒ 2020 Matthew (scottma61)
  • Status : Current Version: 0.1.0
  • OWM :
  • InternalName : OpenWeatherMap-NWS Alerts Weather Driver
  • UpdateInfo : 05/07/2020

That is it. It does not pull 'minutely' data. It specifically excludes 'minutely' data from the data poll.

Hmmm..... I don't know... I have no idea why it's pulling that. Should I copy the driver info here or send it to you via PM to see what I shows?

?? I recommend recopying the code from GitHub. My OWM poll specifically excludes 'minutely' and 'hourly' data. Either you have corrupted code .... or OWM is returning bad data? To rule out corrupted code, refresh it from GitHub.

Ok- Will do. I'll let you know what happens.

I went to and copied and pasted, and had the same results.

I looked at the code on GitHub and it is missing the 'Exclude' for minutely and hourly? I have no idea how I might have done that? The code I have locally has it?

Give me a minute and I will push out an updated version.

1 Like


Bug fix to exclude minutely and hurly data from data poll.

PLEASE NOTE : after any update of the driver code, even if you use Hubitat Package Manager, you should open the virtual device, click 'Save Device', then click 'Save Preferences'.

1 Like

Thanks - updated. Unfortunately, no change with the Precip...

  • Precip0: 0
  • Precip1: 0
  • Precip2: 0
    rainDayAfterTomorrow: 0
    rainToday: 0
    rainTomorrow: 0

Also it looks like the " Display All Optional Attributes" toggle defaults to off after an update.

I am getting some readings (I have a value for rainDayAfterTomorrow) and I have verified that what is listed as zero in the driver did not have any value in the poll data return. The driver cannot provide data that is not in the poll data return. Please let me know if you can see a value in the poll data return that is not showing in the driver. Otherwise, this is returning what OWM is reporting.

That will always turn off automatically after some time ( 30 minutes? I don't remember) by default. It just hides all the optional attributes switches, but does not change their setting.

Ah, ok.

I'm still getting 0 for rainToday even after this latest update.

Here is my log:

dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.457 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  my3day character length: 809; OWMIcon length: 213; OWMIcon2 length: 123; OWMText length: 75
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.414 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Will publish: condition_text
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.257 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Will publish: condition_iconWithText
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.241 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 802, true;  Result: 30.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.211 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  estimateLux results: condition: 802 | condition factor: 0.8466666666666667 | condition text:  using cloud cover from API| lux: 712
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.198 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Calling UpdateLux(false)
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.188 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 500, true;  Result: 39.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.173 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 800, true;  Result: 32.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.170 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  NWSAlerts.features[0]?.properties?.event: is null.
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.167 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  NWSAlerts: [features:[], type:FeatureCollection, title:current watches, warnings, and advisories for 29.8602 N, 95.5817 W, updated:2020-06-07T00:43:24+00:00]
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.163 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 802, true;  Result: 30.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.130 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 500, true;  Result: rain
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.115 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 800, true;  Result: clear
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.042 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 802, true;  Result: partlycloudy
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:07.032 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 802, true;  Result: partlycloudy
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.870 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Poll [uri:,update&point=29.860200,-95.581700&urgency=unknown,future,expected,immediate&severity=unknown,moderate,severe,extreme&certainty=unknown,possible,likely,observed, requestContentType:application/json, contentType:application/json]
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.823 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  OpenWeatherMap Data: [current:[sunrise:1591442479, temp:84.52, uvi:12.34, pressure:1008, clouds:46, feels_like:92.41, wind_gust:7, dt:1591490643, wind_deg:293, dew_point:73.65, sunset:1591492872, weather:[[icon:03d, description:scattered clouds, main:Clouds, id:802]], humidity:70, wind_speed:3], timezone:America/Chicago, timezone_offset:-18000, daily:[[sunrise:1591442479, temp:[min:83.44, max:86.07, eve:84.52, night:83.44, day:84.52, morn:84.52], uvi:12.34, pressure:1008, clouds:46, feels_like:[eve:89.22, night:85.1, day:89.22, morn:89.22], dt:1591466400, wind_deg:26, dew_point:73.65, sunset:1591492872, weather:[[icon:03d, description:scattered clouds, main:Clouds, id:802]], humidity:70, wind_speed:8.66], [sunrise:1591528873, temp:[min:78.82, max:95.92, eve:92.62, night:82.11, day:92.93, morn:78.82], uvi:13.79, pressure:1007, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:91.89, night:86, day:92.61, morn:79.92], dt:1591552800, wind_deg:25, dew_point:66.34, sunset:1591579299, weather:[[icon:01d, description:clear sky, main:Clear, id:800]], humidity:41, wind_speed:10.51], [rain:0.66, sunrise:1591615269, temp:[min:78.62, max:93.09, eve:91.49, night:82.71, day:91.54, morn:78.62], uvi:13.25, pressure:1004, clouds:9, feels_like:[eve:96.71, night:85.64, day:93, morn:82.47], dt:1591639200, wind_deg:288, dew_point:71.28, sunset:1591665725, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:51, wind_speed:11.72], [rain:0.29, sunrise:1591701667, temp:[min:80.33, max:97.66, eve:93.7, night:82.49, day:94.86, morn:80.33], uvi:12.6, pressure:1009, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:98.04, night:90.95, day:97.7, morn:84.52], dt:1591725600, wind_deg:222, dew_point:73.02, sunset:1591752150, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:49, wind_speed:10.98], [rain:3.82, sunrise:1591788065, temp:[min:80.33, max:94.89, eve:92.39, night:83.93, day:94.42, morn:80.33], uvi:11.03, pressure:1016, clouds:14, feels_like:[eve:97, night:88.45, day:98.33, morn:79.36], dt:1591812000, wind_deg:72, dew_point:68.54, sunset:1591838574, weather:[[icon:10d, description:moderate rain, main:Rain, id:501]], humidity:43, wind_speed:5.23], [rain:0.76, sunrise:1591874465, temp:[min:78.75, max:94.89, eve:90.03, night:82.24, day:94.33, morn:78.75], uvi:12.73, pressure:1019, clouds:1, feels_like:[eve:93.06, night:88.3, day:98.22, morn:79.38], dt:1591898400, wind_deg:126, dew_point:68.52, sunset:1591924997, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:43, wind_speed:5.21], [rain:2.55, sunrise:1591960867, temp:[min:80.28, max:94.98, eve:91.51, night:82.18, day:93.16, morn:80.28], uvi:11.34, pressure:1020, clouds:81, feels_like:[eve:94.1, night:87.24, day:97.83, morn:88.54], dt:1591984800, wind_deg:86, dew_point:68.04, sunset:1592011419, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:44, wind_speed:3.49], [rain:2.19, sunrise:1592047269, temp:[min:78.87, max:93.47, eve:87.01, night:80.6, day:93.47, morn:78.87], pressure:1018, clouds:2, feels_like:[eve:89.46, night:82.62, day:95.79, morn:84.83], dt:1592071200, wind_deg:81, dew_point:63.46, sunset:1592097840, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:37, wind_speed:3.94]], lon:-95.58, lat:29.86]
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.695 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Polling
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.574 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  my3day character length: 809; OWMIcon length: 213; OWMIcon2 length: 123; OWMText length: 75
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.528 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Will publish: condition_text
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.349 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Poll [uri:,hourly&mode=json&units=imperial&appid=0c9ca2ff0310dc98a89d5a88dab5b10e]
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.335 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Will publish: condition_iconWithText
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.320 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 802, true;  Result: 30.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.225 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  estimateLux results: condition: 802 | condition factor: 0.8466666666666667 | condition text:  using cloud cover from API| lux: 712
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.161 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Calling UpdateLux(false)
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.132 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 500, true;  Result: 39.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.125 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 800, true;  Result: 32.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.105 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getImgName Inputs: 802, true;  Result: 30.png
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.073 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  NWSAlerts.features[0]?.properties?.event: is null.
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.069 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  NWSAlerts: [features:[], type:FeatureCollection, title:current watches, warnings, and advisories for 29.8602 N, 95.5817 W, updated:2020-06-07T00:43:24+00:00]
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.044 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 500, true;  Result: rain
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:06.029 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 800, true;  Result: clear
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:05.977 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 802, true;  Result: partlycloudy
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:05.950 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  getCondCode Inputs: 802, true;  Result: partlycloudy
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:05.828 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Poll [uri:,update&point=29.860200,-95.581700&urgency=unknown,future,expected,immediate&severity=unknown,moderate,severe,extreme&certainty=unknown,possible,likely,observed, requestContentType:application/json, contentType:application/json]
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:05.783 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  OpenWeatherMap Data: [current:[sunrise:1591442479, temp:84.52, uvi:12.34, pressure:1008, clouds:46, feels_like:92.41, wind_gust:7, dt:1591490643, wind_deg:293, dew_point:73.65, sunset:1591492872, weather:[[icon:03d, description:scattered clouds, main:Clouds, id:802]], humidity:70, wind_speed:3], timezone:America/Chicago, timezone_offset:-18000, daily:[[sunrise:1591442479, temp:[min:83.44, max:86.07, eve:84.52, night:83.44, day:84.52, morn:84.52], uvi:12.34, pressure:1008, clouds:46, feels_like:[eve:89.22, night:85.1, day:89.22, morn:89.22], dt:1591466400, wind_deg:26, dew_point:73.65, sunset:1591492872, weather:[[icon:03d, description:scattered clouds, main:Clouds, id:802]], humidity:70, wind_speed:8.66], [sunrise:1591528873, temp:[min:78.82, max:95.92, eve:92.62, night:82.11, day:92.93, morn:78.82], uvi:13.79, pressure:1007, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:91.89, night:86, day:92.61, morn:79.92], dt:1591552800, wind_deg:25, dew_point:66.34, sunset:1591579299, weather:[[icon:01d, description:clear sky, main:Clear, id:800]], humidity:41, wind_speed:10.51], [rain:0.66, sunrise:1591615269, temp:[min:78.62, max:93.09, eve:91.49, night:82.71, day:91.54, morn:78.62], uvi:13.25, pressure:1004, clouds:9, feels_like:[eve:96.71, night:85.64, day:93, morn:82.47], dt:1591639200, wind_deg:288, dew_point:71.28, sunset:1591665725, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:51, wind_speed:11.72], [rain:0.29, sunrise:1591701667, temp:[min:80.33, max:97.66, eve:93.7, night:82.49, day:94.86, morn:80.33], uvi:12.6, pressure:1009, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:98.04, night:90.95, day:97.7, morn:84.52], dt:1591725600, wind_deg:222, dew_point:73.02, sunset:1591752150, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:49, wind_speed:10.98], [rain:3.82, sunrise:1591788065, temp:[min:80.33, max:94.89, eve:92.39, night:83.93, day:94.42, morn:80.33], uvi:11.03, pressure:1016, clouds:14, feels_like:[eve:97, night:88.45, day:98.33, morn:79.36], dt:1591812000, wind_deg:72, dew_point:68.54, sunset:1591838574, weather:[[icon:10d, description:moderate rain, main:Rain, id:501]], humidity:43, wind_speed:5.23], [rain:0.76, sunrise:1591874465, temp:[min:78.75, max:94.89, eve:90.03, night:82.24, day:94.33, morn:78.75], uvi:12.73, pressure:1019, clouds:1, feels_like:[eve:93.06, night:88.3, day:98.22, morn:79.38], dt:1591898400, wind_deg:126, dew_point:68.52, sunset:1591924997, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:43, wind_speed:5.21], [rain:2.55, sunrise:1591960867, temp:[min:80.28, max:94.98, eve:91.51, night:82.18, day:93.16, morn:80.28], uvi:11.34, pressure:1020, clouds:81, feels_like:[eve:94.1, night:87.24, day:97.83, morn:88.54], dt:1591984800, wind_deg:86, dew_point:68.04, sunset:1592011419, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:44, wind_speed:3.49], [rain:2.19, sunrise:1592047269, temp:[min:78.87, max:93.47, eve:87.01, night:80.6, day:93.47, morn:78.87], pressure:1018, clouds:2, feels_like:[eve:89.46, night:82.62, day:95.79, morn:84.83], dt:1592071200, wind_deg:81, dew_point:63.46, sunset:1592097840, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:37, wind_speed:3.94]], lon:-95.58, lat:29.86]
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:05.648 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Polling
dev:4202020-06-06 07:46:05.316 pm Weather Driver - INFO:  Poll [uri:,hourly&mode=json&units=imperial&appid=0c9ca2ff0310dc98a89d5a88dab5b10e]

Turn on Extended Logging and see if you see a 'rain' reading in the daily poll return. If OWM is not returning a rain value, the driver cannot report it. I too have a zero for today's rain and it has rained today. That is a problem with OWM, not the driver. If you see where OWM is returning a rain value and the driver is not showing that, then I have something to fix. I have not seen that.

Not sure if i'm reading this log correctly, but i am seeing some rain values being returned, but it's missing from the daily section?

dev:4202020-06-06 08:00:39.134 pm Weather Driver - INFO: OpenWeatherMap Data: [current:[sunrise:1591442479, temp:84.74, uvi:12.34, pressure:1007, clouds:46, feels_like:89.46, dt:1591491638, wind_deg:32, dew_point:74.28, sunset:1591492872, weather:[[icon:03d, description:scattered clouds, main:Clouds, id:802]], humidity:71, wind_speed:9.26], timezone:America/Chicago, timezone_offset:-18000, daily:[[sunrise:1591442479, temp:[min:83.48, max:86.2, eve:84.74, night:83.48, day:84.74, morn:84.74], uvi:12.34, pressure:1007, clouds:46, feels_like:[eve:89.8, night:85.15, day:89.8, morn:89.8], dt:1591466400, wind_deg:26, dew_point:74.28, sunset:1591492872, weather:[[icon:03d, description:scattered clouds, main:Clouds, id:802]], humidity:71, wind_speed:8.66], [sunrise:1591528873, temp:[min:78.82, max:95.92, eve:92.62, night:82.11, day:92.93, morn:78.82], uvi:13.79, pressure:1007, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:91.89, night:86, day:92.61, morn:79.92], dt:1591552800, wind_deg:25, dew_point:66.34, sunset:1591579299, weather:[[icon:01d, description:clear sky, main:Clear, id:800]], humidity:41, wind_speed:10.51], [rain:0.66, sunrise:1591615269, temp:[min:78.62, max:93.09, eve:91.49, night:82.71, day:91.54, morn:78.62], uvi:13.25, pressure:1004, clouds:9, feels_like:[eve:96.71, night:85.64, day:93, morn:82.47], dt:1591639200, wind_deg:288, dew_point:71.28, sunset:1591665725, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:51, wind_speed:11.72], [rain:0.29, sunrise:1591701667, temp:[min:80.33, max:97.66, eve:93.7, night:82.49, day:94.86, morn:80.33], uvi:12.6, pressure:1009, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:98.04, night:90.95, day:97.7, morn:84.52], dt:1591725600, wind_deg:222, dew_point:73.02, sunset:1591752150, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:49, wind_speed:10.98], [rain:3.82, sunrise:1591788065, temp:[min:80.33, max:94.89, eve:92.39, night:83.93, day:94.42, morn:80.33], uvi:11.03, pressure:1016, clouds:14, feels_like:[eve:97, night:88.45, day:98.33, morn:79.36], dt:1591812000, wind_deg:72, dew_point:68.54, sunset:1591838574, weather:[[icon:10d, description:moderate rain, main:Rain, id:501]], humidity:43, wind_speed:5.23], [rain:0.76, sunrise:1591874465, temp:[min:78.75, max:94.89, eve:90.03, night:82.24, day:94.33, morn:78.75], uvi:12.73, pressure:1019, clouds:1, feels_like:[eve:93.06, night:88.3, day:98.22, morn:79.38], dt:1591898400, wind_deg:126, dew_point:68.52, sunset:1591924997, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:43, wind_speed:5.21], [rain:2.55, sunrise:1591960867, temp:[min:80.28, max:94.98, eve:91.51, night:82.18, day:93.16, morn:80.28], uvi:11.34, pressure:1020, clouds:81, feels_like:[eve:94.1, night:87.24, day:97.83, morn:88.54], dt:1591984800, wind_deg:86, dew_point:68.04, sunset:1592011419, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:44, wind_speed:3.49], [rain:2.19, sunrise:1592047269, temp:[min:78.87, max:93.47, eve:87.01, night:80.6, day:93.47, morn:78.87], pressure:1018, clouds:2, feels_like:[eve:89.46, night:82.62, day:95.79, morn:84.83], dt:1592071200, wind_deg:81, dew_point:63.46, sunset:1592097840, weather:[[icon:10d, description:light rain, main:Rain, id:500]], humidity:37, wind_speed:3.94]], lon:-95.58, lat:29.86]

This is what I'm showing:

OpenWeatherMap Data: [current:[sunrise:1591443102, temp:75.29, visibility:16093, uvi:10.87, pressure:1006, clouds:75, feels_like:64.8, dt:1591492074, wind_deg:190, dew_point:40.87, sunset:1591496627, weather:[[icon:04d, description:broken clouds, main:Clouds, id:803]], humidity:29, wind_speed:14.99], timezone:America/Denver, timezone_offset:-21600, daily:[[sunrise:1591443102, temp:[min:65.35, max:75.29, eve:75.29, night:65.35, day:75.29, morn:75.29], uvi:10.87, pressure:1006, clouds:75, feels_like:[eve:61.79, night:54.75, day:61.79, morn:61.79], dt:1591466400, wind_deg:180, dew_point:40.87, sunset:1591496627, weather:[[icon:04d, description:broken clouds, main:Clouds, id:803]], humidity:29, wind_speed:20.31], [sunrise:1591529489, temp:[min:56.82, max:82.94, eve:80.37, night:62.53, day:79.45, morn:56.82], uvi:11.19, pressure:1001, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:62.47, night:52.61, day:66.2, morn:46.89], dt:1591552800, wind_deg:212, dew_point:32.95, sunset:1591583062, weather:[[icon:01d, description:clear sky, main:Clear, id:800]], humidity:18, wind_speed:17.25], [sunrise:1591615877, temp:[min:42.71, max:75.6, eve:75.6, night:42.71, day:65.66, morn:45.79], uvi:9.1, pressure:1006, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:60.37, night:27.43, day:54.66, morn:40.1], dt:1591639200, wind_deg:111, dew_point:38.88, sunset:1591669495, weather:[[icon:01d, description:clear sky, main:Clear, id:800]], humidity:37, wind_speed:15.14], [sunrise:1591702268, temp:[min:40.55, max:65.32, eve:64.56, night:50.47, day:60.15, morn:40.55], uvi:11.46, pressure:1013, clouds:66, feels_like:[eve:48.45, night:43.48, day:48.78, morn:33.53], dt:1591725600, wind_deg:333, dew_point:26.96, sunset:1591755927, weather:[[icon:04d, description:broken clouds, main:Clouds, id:803]], humidity:32, wind_speed:13.4], [sunrise:1591788660, temp:[min:47.77, max:73.49, eve:72.66, night:54.46, day:68.56, morn:47.77], uvi:10.78, pressure:1017, clouds:41, feels_like:[eve:67.37, night:49.66, day:62.58, morn:39.52], dt:1591812000, wind_deg:213, dew_point:30.63, sunset:1591842357, weather:[[icon:03d, description:scattered clouds, main:Clouds, id:802]], humidity:25, wind_speed:4.09], [sunrise:1591875054, temp:[min:50.86, max:73.83, eve:72.3, night:57.67, day:65.64, morn:50.86], uvi:11.9, pressure:1022, clouds:15, feels_like:[eve:64.2, night:47.32, day:59.97, morn:45.03], dt:1591898400, wind_deg:79, dew_point:40.62, sunset:1591928786, weather:[[icon:02d, description:few clouds, main:Clouds, id:801]], humidity:39, wind_speed:6.13], [sunrise:1591961450, temp:[min:52.74, max:79.52, eve:76.78, night:59.32, day:74.07, morn:52.74], uvi:12.15, pressure:1020, clouds:0, feels_like:[eve:67.66, night:51.48, day:68.22, morn:45.52], dt:1591984800, wind_deg:159, dew_point:48.81, sunset:1592015214, weather:[[icon:01d, description:clear sky, main:Clear, id:800]], humidity:40, wind_speed:9.69], [rain:4.47, sunrise:1592047848, temp:[min:56.35, max:90.16, eve:85.57, night:60.58, day:84.63, morn:56.35], uvi:10.43, pressure:1012, clouds:32, feels_like:[eve:77.85, night:57.63, day:80.26, morn:53.31], dt:1592071200, wind_deg:212, dew_point:43.21, sunset:1592101639, weather:[[icon:10d, description:moderate rain, main:Rain, id:501]], humidity:23, wind_speed:4.79]],


Yep. No rain in daily[0], daily[1] or daily[2] being reported. That means the driver is reporting what OWM is returning. I know this was working previously so it looks like OWM is having issues. I do not see anything I can do to correct this.