Open Port on Router for Remote Access

I would say that even IF you were somehow doing this, it wasn't intentional. And it wasn't so Hubitat can "shut this all down". Having this open would be a security nightmare, so I am almost positive that this was either a bug, or just some fluke that apparently allowed this for a few users in the first place.

None of this was malicious, and it wasn't a feature that they took away. It never was supposed to have been there in the first place. It wasn't an advertised feature, nor will you find any documentation or announcements promoting that they allowed unlimited remote access.

This is utter nonsense. The hub has always had a local IP, and the ONLY way one can access something on your LAN is through an open port in your router, or some other mechanism such as the secure connection created by Remote Admin or VPN. The hub has never supported any method of remote access to the admin interface prior to Remote Admin being introduced (not talking about cloud Dashboards, accessing by mobile device on the LAN, etc). If you were able to access your hub remotely, you either had a VPN setup or an open router port. This is not something that we changed.

We don't "struggle" with this. A few hundred users had open ports on their routers. We discovered this by scanning the internet looking for hubs we could see on the public internet (no internal scan was used, or needed). These hubs represented a huge security risk for those users, and indirectly, potentially for others. The hub was never designed to be accessible on the internet, and it is pure foolishness to expose it that way. So, in order to protect those users we took the prudent step of creating more security in the hub. This step has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we offer the Remote Admin service.

What, open your hub to the world? Seriously?

There was never any bug or fluke that allowed any form of remote access to the hub. Only doable by penetrating the router.

It never was there. This is all made up by @schuppenhauer.


I am not suggesting anyone actually successfully managed to access their hub admin UI remotely without taking some additional step(s) to allow for that access.

But FWIW something like that was reported by others as well.

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It is not at all clear that the one person who said something along these lines in that topic had any idea what they were talking about, where they did what, etc. There has never been any method of accessing the hub from outside the LAN absent a VPN, Remote Admin, open port, etc.


That was my impression as well. I point it out only because, at the end of the day, I have no idea what @schuppenhauer is, or is not, making up.


This thread is filled with mis-information. It will be closed and delisted as a consequence. If anyone wants to start a new topic for discussion based on facts, that's fine. But mis-information is not the way we do things.