Onkyo Virtual Device shows up as Device Type Switch in Google Home

I would like the Onkyo receiver to show up as a speaker or AVR type, so the UI has volume, mute, etc. The only option iI have is Off/On.

Is there source code for the native Google Home app so I can implement the support myself?

Modeling everything as a virtual switch falls short for a number of devices.

I would be surprised if you could get the source code, but someone has implemented another Google Home app to deal with this type of issue. You should be able to find a link in the community...

The community app is the way to go. I have an onkyo and it works great with the community google home app.

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I agree Lewis. I have extended the app to support the AVR device type and it works fantastic, much better than the previous solution I had which included a harmony hub!

I'm super busy ATM, however I will contribute the code back. I'm going to move all my inovelli switches over to the community GH app shortly!

thanks everyone,

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