On and Off in Simple Automation

I would like to request making Simple Automations able to turn some things on and some things off at the same time. Currently I have to write two Automations for Mode changes, one for things to turn on and one for things to turn off. Also would be great for setting up lighting arrangements house-wide.

One way to accomplish this today is to use the Hubitat Groups and Scenes App. You can create a Scene, with the lighting exactly the way you'd like it to be at the start of each mode change. Each Scene is activated via a 'Scene Device' which behaves like a switch. Thus, you can simply "turn on" the appropriate scene device in the Simple Autromations App.

I know this is not exactly what you asked for, but it is probably how Hubitat intends the platform to be used.

You could also simply create a Rule Machine rule for each mode change, and perform whatever actions you'd like.


Second trying the Scenes to do what you want. It works especially well in cases like yours where some are on and some are off or if you have various dimmer levels that you like.

It is very easy to set up and you just use that Scene device like you would any other switch.

One example of my scenes is for when the garage door opens past sundown. It sets the front porch light on, the garage light on, and a hallway light to 20% which is just enough to get into the house and take off your shoes etc without being blinded.

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Thanks for your suggestions! I was actually looking to simplify things down. If I have to set up a scene, I might as well create two rules. Same difference. More complexity however you look at it...

I have a simple app that responds to mode changes.
This is able to turn on some switches, turn off others, set level of some lights and a different level for others.

For my evening mode,
I turn on some lights, set some to one dim level, set a couple of others to a different dim level and turn a few switches off.

App is on my website “Mode Switch”


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