Offline Hub firmware update

I wouldn't mind betting there are a few features already implemented that are used by less than 5% And what if there were another equivalent of 80% or more who are not using Hubitat cos it's not suited for total offline use due to the update question? IMHO the idea need not be closed down

Grasping at straws my good man… and beside back to my earlier statement

Yes, but if I was one of my invented 80%, I'd not be happy to buy into a non-updateable system. I wouldn't know if I was going to be happy without the updates - depending on what I was going to find after buying the system.

And it's a Thursday on top of a mountain. :wink::grinning:
I think we can always find a scenario to make your point but as has been said, HE have said that updates are 'online' only.
I cannot see that changing.

@bobbyD - time to close this thread, or move to the debate chamber, which is more suited for its pointlessness.


No one will install a hub just for one Thursday on a mountain. That's even worse than the 2% that thebearmay estimated! :smiley:

Ahh but you wouldn't not be happy because you're happy the system you have is running as intended... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway just my final word on this as I can see people are getting sick of the thread - I do feel sure there must be more people than you'd think who might appreciate this, as I see it over again on the Reolink community where people are wanting to install cameras where there is wifi but no internet or mobile data. You can't update the battery cameras yourself, they connect to Reolink and get their updates pushed. You can only update certain cameras from downloaded software.

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There is absolutely merit in your suggestion and, as mentioned above, we have considered offering offline updates, but the technicalities of managing flash memory cards have prevented us to move forward. That is not to say, that we may never revisit this option in the future. Thank you for your feedback.