oAuth, createAccessToken(), Unauthorized

I have been fighting this for over 6 hours.
I have enabled oAuth in my app.
In my app code; I have a mapping:

mappings {
    path("/update-settings") {
        action: [ GET: "updateSettings" ]

I then have a handler:

def updateSettings() {
    return 'THIS IS THE RESPONSE';

Lastly, in my page html:

try { 
    log.trace 'Created Access Token: ' + state.accessToken
    log.trace 'starting get...'
    try {
        httpGet([ uri: "${state.accessToken}" ]) { resp ->
            log.trace resp
    catch (Exception e) { log.warn "Error Updating App Settings: ${e.message}" }
catch (Exception e) { log.warn "Error Creating Access Token: ${e.message}" }

Here are the appropriate logs:

app:4322025-01-27 08:12:30.410 AMwarnError Updating App Settings: status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized
app:4322025-01-27 08:12:30.362 AMtrace starting get...
app:4322025-01-27 08:12:30.359 AMtrace Created Access Token: ********-****-****-****-************

Why can I not make the http get call from my app without receiving a 401 unauthorized response?

I am expecting to receive THIS IS THE RESPONSE.

Do you get the same result using the hub’s LAN ip?

That one is slightly different (using hubs LAN ip):

app:4322025-01-27 08:37:46.507 AMwarnError Updating App Settings: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)
app:4322025-01-27 08:37:46.481 AMtrace starting get...
app:4322025-01-27 08:37:46.477 AMtrace Created Access Token: ********-****-****-****-************

Should that have 3 slashes or 2?

Most definitely 2.. lol.
Edited above; but same result.
Thanks for checking!

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Don't think it likes the loopback address, try:

httpGet([ uri: "${location.hub.localIP}:8080/apps/api/432/update-settings?access_token=${state.accessToken}" ] ) { resp ->

Ignore this post... testing.

I editted it after my initial posting

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Lol.. that's why.
I began using cloud api.. then thought I wanted local api.. started working on that.. came back here and saw the update and thought.. I'm definitely losing my mind!

Okay, getting closer, I think:

try {
    httpGet([ uri: "${location.hub.localIP}:8080/update-settings?access_token=${state.accessToken}" ]) { resp ->
        log.trace resp
catch (Exception e) { log.warn "Error Updating App Settings: ${e.message}" }

Now this in logs:

Error Updating App Settings: Illegal character in scheme name at index 0:********-****-****-****-************
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add "http://" at the front

Error Updating App Settings: status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found
Oops.. I think I mauled the url. Checking.

So, getting to the app now, and accepting the access token. Normally when I get this I've fat fingered the endpoint.

httpGet([ uri: "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080/apps/api/432/update-settings?access_token=${state.accessToken}" ]) { resp ->

Error Updating App Settings: status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized

Back to this again...
Is that url structure correct?

Looks correct assuming the appID is correct.

why the 8080 on the LAN ip ?

Yeah, checked that 100 times:

That's the url of the page of my app.

I have been trying all sorts of combinations...

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Needed to allow the hub to call itself.

Removing the :8080 generates this message:

Error Updating App Settings: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)

With the :8080
status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized

Without the :8080
Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)

If I change the appID in the get call to something that doesn't exist:

Received local request for App 289 that does not exist, path: /update-settings/ from unknown