Currently have an 8 camera wired CCTV system at home, Lorex brand. Cameras use BNC connectors. The DVR that came with this system sucks, replaced the power supply once and the cooling fan twice, and now the fan is groaning again so I think it's on borrowed time.
I'd like to replace the DVR (not the cameras, those were a PITA to install and I really don't want to crawl around in the attic for hours again) with something higher quality that can be integrated into Hubitat, community developed app is fine. What's out there that will integrate and works with BNC wired cameras?
I have a similar system and the Avertx DVR sucks has never died just terrible s/w (slow and difficult to navigate) and the cameras are good enough (POE) but not as good as originally advertised (they updated their advertising after I bought the system).
I would not recommend Avertx.
From what I have read good quality cameras were expensive 2k or more.
Would also be interested in upgrading to a good quality DVR with POE so I could keep the cameras as they are good enough for what I need.
How are you looking to integrate with Hubitat? Getting motion triggers out of the DVR? Or controlling when the system records the cameras (control of the DVR form Hubitat)? I know a lot of systems excel at one but not at the other so it might impact the response you get.
I'm not too worried about motion triggers out of the camera, we get hundreds of motion events each day so they aren't really valuable. I've read a little bit about people being able to have screenshots sent as part of notifications when some event happens, that would be awesome. Plus maybe viewing a camera in a dashboard. Not sure if those are possible but would be great to have.