Null object returned for schlage 468

Just a couple days ago I bought two Hubitats to make a transition within the company from ST. Liking it quite a bit so far.

Under ST I was using ethayer's device driver for the lock with good results, but under Hubitat and the schlage driver included in I get a null object returned when subscribing to code changes

ie, this code works with ethayer worked but under hubitat the code is called but the passed evt is null
def codeUsed(evt) {
log.trace "In code used lock"
def lockId =
def action = evt.value
data = new JsonSlurper().parseText(

I am trying to get the slot number used. Any ideas?

Thank you

I think this is what you're looking for?

app inputs:

input(name:"keyPads", type:"capability.securityKeypad", title:"Select keypads", multiple: true)
input(name:"locks", type:"capability.lockCodes", title: "Select locks", multiple: true)

app subscriptions:

subscribe(keyPads,"securityKeypad.disarmed",useHandler)	//usage accounting keypads
subscribe(locks,"lock.unlocked",useHandler)				//usage accounting locks

app event handler:

def useHandler(evt){
	def data =
	if (data && !data[0].startsWith("{")) {
		data = decrypt(data)
	def codeMap = parseJson(data ?: "{}").find{ it }
	if (!codeMap) return
	def codeNumber = codeMap?.key
	def name = codeMap?.value?.name
	def code = codeMap?.value?.code "slot:${codeNumber}, name:${name}, pin:${pinCode}"
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That looks good, Ill try it.

Thank you.