Notify on temperature change

Hello - I'm brand new to Hubitat and really liking it so far!

One thing I've been having trouble configuring is a notification based on temperature change. I'd like to receive a notification when the temperature of a sensor changes plus or minus 20 degrees within 30 minutes.

The use case is:
I have a temperature sensor under my gas fireplace. It doesn't get hot enough to damage the sensor but it does get hot enough to tell me if the fireplace is on or off. All the rules I've experimented with (temperature => 90 degrees) notify each time the temperature on the sensor updates so I get too many notifications. I think a better way would be to compare the amount of temperature change over time and alert if the temperature rapidly goes up (fireplace on) or temperature rapidly goes down (fireplace off).

Thanks for your advice.

i do this in safety monitor so i dont get notified too often.. ie

you could also do the same thing .. alert after temp has been too high for a certain time in event engine.. if it drops back below the temp, the timer is reset..

@kahn-hubitat, thank you for that suggestion.

After messing around with it for too long I actually took a different route. I created a virtual switch and set a notification to tell me when the virtual switch is either turned on or off. I then configured a rule to turn the switch on at 95 degrees and off at 90.

I tested and it worked just fine for what I wanted.

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