Notification severities

Thanks! With a bit of trial and error I was able to turn that into something that works for me. For now I've only set up one device with a default priority, title and app token. (Gotify uses an app token as part of the URL, and you can use multiple app tokens with different thumbnail images for each)

Since the Hubitat notify interface only takes a single message body entry, I made it so I can use a pipe to separate parameters. So entering "Hello" will just send that message at the default priority and using the default title and app, but I can stack the priority, title, and app (in that order). So "Hello | 7 | Some Title | Blue Iris" would send the message Hello at priority 7 with that title using the Blue Iris app token.

I could set up multiple devices with different defaults so I could just enter the message body, but I don't think I want to clutter up my devices page with multiple versions of this device. As long as I can remember the order for the parameters and the valid app names, this should work.

Agreed. I'd be quite annoyed if they did away with the built in notifications. They work fine for me.

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I use pushover myself. The only thing that has an alarm (siren) are water/gas events. I can wait a moment for most other notifications but I want those 2 things to get my attention right away.

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Oh, I have one other tone that comes through for when my kid opens up his bedroom door..(basically a beeping noise) that we trained my german shepherd to react to. When that goes off he tears off and tracks my kid wherever he may be (our other dog of course gets excited and follows along) until my kid is found then they pin him and lick him and we can come up and extricate him from the dogs and send him back to bed... So yes, I integrated a biological component into Hubitat,.,..,'


What happens when the kid has to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?

Not my problem... :rofl:


My phone is on Silent so often (like 98.9% of the time), it would surprise the hell outta me! Sounds in notifications wouldn't matter to me anyway..

p.s. I love the hard switch on the iPhone 14 Promax to turn sounds off!

Why was pavlovs hair so soft?

He conditioned it. :laughing: :rofl:

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angry panda GIF by Steve Konklin




I hate you


I work in mission assurance. You'll have to take a number......


Ahh Seeing this first thing this morning made my day :slight_smile:

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sloth dmv GIF

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