Notification Not Repeating

Can someone tell me why this would not repeat? This is just a simple switch, when [on], notify me, and repeat every 5 seconds for 10 times

I'm only guessing, but have you tried setting "For How Long"?

I tried several setting, I only get one notification, then it does not repeat.

I have other hubs with the same notification, and it works great.

Could the notification app be corrupt?

Worked for me.
Maybe just remove it and try again?

Pushover to iphone alarm

remove Notifier app, reboot C8, then reinstalled Notifier, set up just like you have, tested, It sends one messages then stops

I get the alarm on my iphone, through Pushover, but only one time, it never repeats

Beats me, but I'm not a genius.
I'm on a C8, if that makes a diff.
You've checked on the Pushover browser (not only phone)?
And, the identical notification works for you on other hubs of older vintage?

Just to rule out an overload situation, have you tried to spread those repeats out over a longer period of time? Maybe like every 30 or 60 seconds?

I tried 15 seconds, and didn't work. I can try longer. However, 5 second is very long in reference to code (app), and the log only shows one attempt per state change of the switch. I have other C8s, I never had issues with the others that I recall. Just this one.

Could it be the latest firmware in this C8?

I will have the wait until tomorrow, I do not have remote admin to the C8, that is another issue I'm waiting on support resolve. It will not automatically register to the cloud for remote admin. I can only work on the C8 locally until that is resolved.

Good morning guys, I'm now back at the office, I tired changing the 5 sec to 1 m, did a test, and i only received 1 alarm message, so no go

Not that it would help, but have you tried the Pushover web browser client?
Could the phone be filtering....somehow?

My log in hubitat only shows one message going out, its the hubitat itself. Also, i get other message on other hubs I have using pushover, with no issues, its only this hub

How can I force a re-install of the C8 firmware NOT using a backup

Currently running version:

BTW, I have 3 C8, and 1 C7

I also, tried ruling out pushover prior to asking for support, I tried without pushover, message direct to my iphone, same results, only one message, no repeating

I'm no expert, but you could revert to an earlier version and then go back.

You using the same system Pushover driver on them all? Nothing fancy?

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