Norklmes zigbee switch

i'm very new and noob to hubitat and don't have any knowledge about set up things. i need help. i bought Norklmes zigbee switch from Aliexpress.
my hubitat can discover but no device name and doing no thing. only says device.need help..

sorry i'm not allowed to post picture to add picture ?

If it pairs as "Device" then that usually just means that Hubitat doesn't recognize this particular device. But often you can still get it to work, if it follows standard Zigbee protocols. Just try changing the driver (look for the "Type*" field on the device page) to Generic Zigbee Switch and see if that works.

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thanks for quick reply..i try to set generic zigbee switch but doing no means this switch not work at all... :cry:

What kind of switch is it? Can you give a link to the product?

When you change the driver, you also need to click the Configure button.

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a type of "Device" is just a driver that does nothing. It's just a placeholder telling you the specific device isn't recognized. Change the driver, as you've probably done, then click Configure to make the device match the driver's expectations.

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It paired as Zigbee, so it must be.

i did refresh..that mean this switch not work with hubitat.

Configure first.

Refresh can't refresh if the device isn't matching the driver.

Says it is Zigbee 3.0 which should work with Hubitat's Zigbee. And the fact that it pairs, indicated that's true... however, it's not clear that the generic Zigbee switch driver is exactly what this wants.

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Doesn't look good. this is the only post related to your switch.

It sort of looks like a Nue switch, you can try to switch the driver to Nue Zigbee Switch

no luck.

This device doesn't appear to use the standard switch cluster of 0006 so it's not going to work with any of our built in drivers.


Welcome. To make life easier for you, check the compatible devices list before buying devices.

Or search the forums to see if anyone is using the device, to be certain a driver exists for the device.