Nodon button remote & zwave mesh

So, now I've had two "successes" pairing it (when near the hub). But I don't get any button presses at all. Each time I press a button, the log reads "[debug] WakeUpNotification". So SOMETHING is getting to the hub, but I'm not getting "button 1" or "button 2" press information. At least I was getting that before. Perhaps I should not have updated my hub this morning.

Nothing in any of the recent updates had anything to do with zwave or the driver for this device.

I don't think he's had much success with this device regardless of platform revision levels. It apparently did pair at least once when close to the hub so it sounded like a mesh issue . . .

Well, now it DOES seem to be "working" from my garage. When I press buttons in there, I get the "wakeup" notifications. And I can change the LED behavior in the device preferences, and when it wakes up I get a bunch of configuration messages, and the LED behavior does change. But when I press the buttons, I only get "wakeup" notifications, no button press info like I had previously. So close...

Any suggestions of things I could try?

I have that device and a z-wave sniffer so I can do some testing.

Please post the clusters, product, etc. from the data section so I can make sure it's the same device as mine.

That sounds great, thanks. In the data section it says:

deviceType: 2
inClusters: 0x5E 0x85 0x59 0x80 0x5B 0x70 0x5A 0x72 0x73 0x86 0x84
outClusters: 0x5E 0x5B 0x2B 0x27 0x22 0x20 0x26 0x84
deviceid: 2
manufacturer: 357


Good, that's the same model I have, but it might take me a couple of days to get to it.


I used the "Super basic Z-wave parameter tool" and after some messing with it determined, as I'd suspected, that the device parameters had gotten messed up. Parameters 1 and 2 were both set to 1 (which actives special button modes). When I reset them to 0, button presses show up! It is currently being a bit inconsistent from the garage, but I hope that time and a zwave repair or two will fix that, as it was reasonably reliable last night from there. I'll come back and mark this "solved" in a couple of days if all goes well.

Thanks for the support and encouragement!


Well, the button seems to work fine near the hub, but in the garage it is hit or miss. Works fine for a while, then nothing.

I have a motion sensor on front of the garage that is similar -- sometimes OK, mostly not. I just ordered a second HE to put in the room above the garage(1), and I'll direct link the button and front sensor to that, plus the light and plug in the garage. I think I'm just not getting a good signal in the garage. The mains devices (plug and light switch) seem OK, but battery devices seem iffy. They are both a bit further away, but I thought should route OK through the plug/switch and they don't seem to want to. The mains devices are both older zwave (not plus). Battery devices are plus. I sure hope a second HE nearby solves my issues.

(1) Actually, I'll move the existing HE. I do NOT want to go through trying to pair that button again. I only have 8 devices and will have to reassign 3-4 of them, but those are all pretty easy.

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