"No response from hub" in app and "Cloud connection unavailable" in system messages

While we were gone on vacation there was a power outage and we lost connection to our hub from the android app. When we returned home, I could connect via the LAN (wifi) and rebooted the hub. However I am still unable to connect to the hub via the android app when no on the LAN.

The app shows "No response from hub". When I access the hub settings via LAN, I have a system message stating "Cloud connection unavailable"

My hub has a static internal IP and I have also logged into my hubitat online account to attempt to re-register the hub and that is not taking care of it. Although it does keep showing that no hub is registered to my account no matter how many times I register it.

Any help would be appreciated

Is it possible the hub is connected to your local network but somehow cannot get from there to the internet?

No, nothing has changed in my network setup and all my self-hosted servers are working fine and accessible as always from outside my LAN.

Right I was just wondering if you can tell from the hub itself... if you have other cloud integrations and they are working, for instance.

Did the hub itself take a power hit?

There was an almost city wide power outage while we were gone. The hub works as long as I connect locally.

Was the hub on a UPS and did the UPS outlast the outage, or did the hub itself take a power hit and shut down unexpectedly?

Are you able to get to the internet at all from the hub or is the only internet connection the hub makes for the android app?

Just trying to narrow down possible avenues to pursue.

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