[No Longer Maintained] Energy Cost Calculator

From the device page, go to Events and be sure that the entries are recent. If the plug stopped reporting, the attribute data will still be there but will be stale.

If everything is good there, turn on debug logging for the app and wait for the plug to refresh (or force a refresh). You should see log entries for it when the 'energy' value changes.

Last resort would be to unstick the plug for the device selection, click done, go back into the app, and re-select the plug.

I already did all three options and still no luck.

Please take a look at this log info and tell me if you see anything weird or wrong.


Edit: BTW, I’m using @garyjmilne Tasmota drive

Log looks good to me. I would say that the reporting interval is as low as 10 seconds and personally I would find that generates too much activity on the hub, but I doubt it is having any effect on your particular problem.

P.S. Just make sure that the device attributes are accurately getting updated by those incoming values.

There's no energy report.

I've been out of the loop for a few weeks. Everything has been humming along. I went to check my energy report today and noticed that I have no updates on majority of my KP125's since last month. 2 of them are reporting, not sure why only those 2. Did something change recently with this report or the kasa integration?



Washer (Reports correctly):


Heater Plug (Doesn't report):


Nothing has changed for the app. There was a Kasa update and I ran into issues with most of my devices not reporting as well. I did end up resolving it. Start with the below post and read your way day:

My Modify Lan settings was unchecked. Do I need to set the MANUAL IP on all my plugs? Strange that it's not all of them. Some work.

It looks like recently an update was made to the energy reporting plugs in the kasa integration. I guess I'll need to get some help in that thread.

My fault.

I had the wrong settings on the driver’s settings.

Now it’s reporting again after correcting it.


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I had the same problem again this morning. I went into the Kasa integration app and selected "Scan LAN for Kasa devices and add", waited for it to finish, hit "Done" (because I had nothing to add), and the plugs started working again.

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This did it for me. It seems to have repopulated all my devices with IP's in the manual IP update field. Finally seeing data in the energy table. Thanks for this tip.

Side note, actually a feature request... Any interest in adding a column for Energy Cost Last Month for comparison purposes?

Maybe. The problem is that the table is as wide as it can go without getting some very weird formatting. Adding an additional column would push it over the edge. I might just move the usage over to another page and only display the costs in the main table.

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Yeah, that would be appreciated.

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Any update on dealing with a different rate above 1,000 kWh?

Haven't had a chance.

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Could you post your driver that will report correctly energy? This is the only missing link I have to get this app working as I need.

Sure thing. It's just a few extra lines to divide the reported value by 60000 to convert it from watt minutes to kWh.

Shelly 1PM Driver
 *  Shelly Switch Relay Driver
 *  Copyright © 2018-2019 Scott Grayban
 *  Copyright © 2020 Allterco Robotics US
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Hubitat is the Trademark and intellectual Property of Hubitat Inc.
 * Shelly is the Trademark and Intellectual Property of Allterco Robotics Ltd
 * See all the Shelly Products at https://shelly.cloud/
 * Supported devices are:
 *   1/1PM/2/2.5/EM/Plug/PlugS/4Pro/EM3/SHPLG-U1
 *  Changes:

 *  3.0.10  schellem: the ext_switch check in the code fails if the element is not present in the http response. This makes the external temperature values not be read. 
 *  3.0.9 - Diondp: Added ContactSensor function for external swith module, note must use black and yellow wire, selection of reversed as in native shelly-app
 *  To get instant response from the Shelly Contact Sensor, go to the shelly App, and setup a HTTP call for MakerAPI, otherwise there is a need for manual refresh
 *  Only testet with Shelly1 and the Extension kit, capable as ContactSensor for use with virtual garage driver

 *  3.0.8 - Fixed missing directive for EM3 meters
 *  3.0.7 - Added external temperature and humidity attributes.
 *        - ctraf settings removed from EM3
 *  3.0.6 - Added VoltageMeasurement for the 4Pro input voltage
 *        - Fixed a issue where the ntp server and devicename would be deleted if the relay # was not 0
 *  3.0.5 - Added support for the Shelly Plug US
 *  3.0.4 - Added support for External Sensor Hat for the Shelly1 and 1PM
 *  3.0.3 - Added support for the ShellEM 3 phase
 *  3.0.2 - Fixed a bug with Shelly EM/4PRO to not set a relayname for the second EM channel
 *        - Fixed excessive logging chatter
 *        - Added NTP server preference
 *        - Added manual/poll for refreshing
 *  3.0.1 - Added switch to prevent(protect) accidental power off or on. Simular to the phone app pin code.
 *        - Added Mains or Battery for power source for the Shelly 1 and 2.5
 *        - Fixed the secure login username password (!!Note: Passwords must not contain these special characters &?)
 *        - Added code that will update Maxpower setting if changed via app or embedded webserver
 *        - Prevent any settings from being set, shown or retrieved until IP is set
 *        - Only show correct device settings *after* IP is saved since all settings do not apply to all shelly devices
 *        - More code for Plug and PlugS support
 *        - Added missing code to turn off JSON debugging after set time
 *        - You can now set the device name and relay channel name. EG; DeviceName can be a location/room and RelayName can be light, appliance or a power strip controler
 *        - Many thanks to Dawid Filo for his help in debuging the Plug(S) code
 *  3.0.0 - Fixed some bug regarding the getDataValue which would prevent the driver from working correctly
 *  2.0.9 - Added the ability to update device FW
 *  2.0.8 - RSSI value is definded as exelent, good or poor. The actual rssi reading is under state variables.
 *  2.0.7 - Added MaxPower to attributes
 *        - Added preference setting for max_power for relay channel
 *        - Removed getShellyAddress()
 *        - Added ctraf setting for Shelly EM Current transformer type
 *        - Changed powerTotal to energy attribute to match the capability "EnergyMeter"
 *        - Removed importURL
 *        - Code located at https://gitlab.borgnet.us:8443/sgrayban/shelly-drivers/tree/master/Drivers/Shelly
 *  2.0.6 - Added new tC/tF attributes
 *        - Added deviceType for device identification for current/future code
 *        - ShellyEM support
 *        - Added new capability VoltageMeasurement
 *        - ShellyPlug support
 *  2.0.5 - Code added for JSON debug switch
 *        - New attributes that can be used in RM
 *        - 1 call for API status now
 *        - Supports all relay channels 0-3
 *        - Supports username/password
 *        - Added the ability to reboot device
 *  2.0.4 - Code added for all Shelly relay switches
 *  2.0.3 - Changed operand for refresh rate in update()
 *  2.0.2 - Changed how the update check worked if refresh rate was set to No Selection
 *  2.0.1 - Modified code to allow install more then once - added version control
 *  2.0.0 - Removed more ST code and added auto refresh option and debugging info switches.
 *  1.0.0 - Initial port

import groovy.json.*
import groovy.transform.Field

def setVersion(){
	state.Version = "3.0.10"
	state.InternalName = "ShellyAsASwitch"

metadata {
	definition (
		name: "Shelly Switch Relay",
		namespace: "ShellyUSA",
		author: "Scott Grayban",
                importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShellyUSA/Hubitat-Drivers/master/Shelly-as-a-Switch.groovy"
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "ContactSensor"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Switch"
        capability "RelaySwitch"
        capability "Polling"
        capability "PowerMeter"
        capability "EnergyMeter"
        capability "VoltageMeasurement"
        capability "SignalStrength"
        capability "PowerSource"
        capability "TemperatureMeasurement"
        capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement"
        capability "VoltageMeasurement"
        attribute "FW_Update_Needed", "string"
        attribute "LastRefresh", "string"
        attribute "power", "number"
        attribute "overpower", "string"
        attribute "internal_tempC", "number"
        attribute "internal_tempF", "number"
        attribute "DeviceOverTemp", "string"
        attribute "MAC", "string"
        attribute "RelayChannel", "number"
        attribute "Primary_IP", "string"
        attribute "Primary_SSID", "string"
        attribute "Secondary_IP", "string"
        attribute "Secondary_SSID", "string"
        attribute "WiFiSignal", "string"
        attribute "Cloud", "string"
        attribute "Cloud_Connected", "string"
        attribute "energy", "number"
        attribute "DeviceType", "string"
        attribute "eMeter", "number"
        attribute "reactive", "number"
        attribute "MaxPower", "number"
        attribute "CircuitAmp", "string"
        attribute "LED_Output", "string"
        attribute "LED_NetworkStatus", "string"
        attribute "DeviceName", "string"
        attribute "RelayName", "string"
        attribute "NTPServer", "string"
        attribute "ext2_temperature", "number"
        attribute "ext2_humidity", "number"
        attribute "ext3_temperature", "number"
        attribute "ext3_humidity", "number"
        attribute "ext_switch_state", "number"
        command "RebootDevice"
        command "UpdateDeviceFW" // ota?update=1
        //command "updatecheck" // Only used for development
        command "getSettings"

	preferences {
	def refreshRate = [:]
		refreshRate << ["1 min" : "Refresh every minute"]
		refreshRate << ["5 min" : "Refresh every 5 minutes"]
		refreshRate << ["15 min" : "Refresh every 15 minutes"]
		refreshRate << ["30 min" : "Refresh every 30 minutes"]
		refreshRate << ["manual" : "Manually or Polling Only"]

	input("ip", "string", title:"IP", description:"Shelly IP Address", defaultValue:"" , required: true)
	input name: "username", type: "text", title: "Username:", description: "(blank if none)", required: false
	input name: "password", type: "password", title: "Password:", description: "(blank if none)", required: false
    if (ip == null) input("channel", "number", title:"Relay Channel", description:"0,1,2,or 3 :", defaultValue:"0" , required: true) // Show at device setup only

    if (ip != null) { // show settings *after* IP is set as some settings do not apply to all devices

    if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHEM","SHEM-3"]) channel = 0 // The EM devices only have 1 relay

	if (channel < 1) input name: "ntp_server", type: "text", title: "NTP time server:", description: "E.G. time.google.com or", defaultValue: "time.google.com", required: true

    // Only show for channel 0 since the device name is for the entire device
	if (channel < 1) input name: "devicename", type: "text", title: "Give your device a name:", description: "EG; Location/Room<br>NO SPACES in name", required: false
    if (!(getDataValue("model") in ["SHPLG-S","SHPLG-1","SHEM","SHEM-3","SHPLG-U1"])) { // The Plug devices do not offer a relay name
        input name: "relayname", type: "text", title: "Label your relay control:", description: "EG; Light/Appliance<br>NO SPACES in name", required: false
    if (channel != 1 && getDataValue("model") in ["SHEM","SHEM-3"])
        input name: "relayname", type: "text", title: "Label your relay control:", description: "EG; Light/Appliance<br>NO SPACES in name", required: false

    input "protect", "enum", title:"Prevent accidental off/on", defaultValue: true, options: [Yes:"Yes",No:"No"], required: true
    if (!(getDataValue("model") in ["SHDM-1","SHSW-PM","SHSW-1","SHEM","SHEM-3"])) {
        input("channel", "number", title:"Relay Channel", description:"0,1,2,or 3 :", defaultValue:"0" , required: true)
    if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHEM","SHEM-3"]) {
        input("eMeter", "number", title:"eMeter Channel", description:"0, 1 or 2 :", defaultValue:"0" , required: true)
    if (getDataValue("model") == "SHEM") {
        input("ctraf", "number", title:"Current Amperage(ctraf)", description:"50 or 120:", defaultValue:"50" , required: true)
    if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHSW-25","SHSW-1"]) {
        input("powersource", "enum", title:"Mains/Battery", description:"Shelly Power Source", defaultValue: true, options: [mains:"Mains",battery:"Battery"], required: true)
    if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHSW-1","SHSW-PM"]) {
        input name: "external_sensors", type: "bool", title: "Use External Sensor?", defaultValue: false
        input "external_contact_reversed", "enum", title:"Is the external contact sensor reversed?", defaultValue: false, options: [Yes:"Yes",No:"No"], required: true
    if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHPLG-S","SHPLG-1","SHPLG-U1"]) {
        input("led_status", "enum", title:"LED indication for network status", description:"Enable/Disable", defaultValue: false, options: [false:"Enable",true:"Disable"])
        input("led_power", "enum", title:"LED indication for output status", description:"Enable/Disable", defaultValue: false, options: [false:"Enable",true:"Disable"])
        input("maxpower", "number", title:"Max Power", description:"Max power allowed for this relay is 2500W", defaultValue:"2500" , required: true)
        state.RelayName = "N/A"
        sendEvent(name: "RelayName", value: state.RelayName)
        updateDataValue("RelayName", state.RelayName)
    if (!(getDataValue("model") in ["SHSW-1","SHEM","SHDM-1","SHPLG-S","SHPLG-1","SHPLG-U1"])) {
        input("maxpower", "number", title:"Max Power", description:"Max power allowed for this relay is 2300W", defaultValue:"2300" , required: true)
    if (!(getDataValue("model") in ["SHEM","SHEM-3"]))
        input("refresh_Rate", "enum", title: "Device Refresh Rate", description:"<font color=red>!!WARNING!!</font><br>DO NOT USE if you have over 50 Shelly devices.", options: refreshRate, defaultValue: "manual")
    if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHEM","SHEM-3"]) input("refresh_Rate", "enum", title: "Device Refresh Rate", options: refreshRate, defaultValue: "1 min")
        input "locale", "enum", title: "Choose refresh date format", required: true, defaultValue: true, options: [US:"US MM/DD/YYYY",UK:"UK DD/MM/YYYY"]
} // END IP check

    input name: "debugOutput", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?", defaultValue: true
	input name: "debugParse", type: "bool", title: "Enable JSON parse logging?", defaultValue: true
	input name: "txtEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging", defaultValue: true
	input name: "Shellyinfo", type: "text", title: "<center><font color=blue>Info Box</font><br>Shelly API docs are located</center>", 
        description: "<center><br><a href='http://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/' title='shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud' target='_blank'>[here]</a></center>"

def initialize() {
	log.info "initialize"
	if (txtEnable) log.info "initialize"

def installed() {
    log.debug "Installed"
    state.DeviceName = "NotSet"
    state.RelayName = "NotSet"

def uninstalled() {
    log.debug "Uninstalled"

def updated() {
    if (txtEnable) log.info "Preferences updated..."
    log.warn "Debug logging is: ${debugOutput == true}"
    log.warn "Switch protection is: ${settings?.protect}"
    if (ip != null) { // Don't set until IP is saved
    if (!(getDataValue("model") in ["SHSW-1","SHEM"])) {
        sendSwitchCommand "/settings/relay/${channel}?max_power=${maxpower}"
    if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHPLG-1","SHPLG-S","SHPLG-U1"]) {
        logDebug "LED setting ${led_status} and ${led_power}"
        sendSwitchCommand "/settings?led_status_disable=${led_status}"
        sendSwitchCommand "/settings?led_power_disable=${led_power}"
    if (channel < 1) sendSwitchCommand "/settings?sntp_server=${ntp_server}"
// Set device and relay name
    if (channel < 1) sendSwitchCommand "/settings?name=${devicename}"
    if (!(getDataValue("model") in ["SHPLG-S","SHPLG-1","SHPLG-U1"])) sendSwitchCommand "/settings/relay/${channel}?name=${relayname}"

    if (getDataValue("model") == "SHEM") sendSwitchCommand "/settings/relay/${channel}?ctraf_type=${ctraf_type}"
    switch(refresh_Rate) {
		case "1 min" :
		case "5 min" :
		case "15 min" :
		case "30 min" :
		case "manual" :
            log.info "Autorefresh disabled"
	if (txtEnable) log.info ("Auto Refresh set for every ${refresh_Rate} minute(s).")

    if (debugOutput) runIn(1800,logsOff) //Off in 30 minutes
    if (debugParse) runIn(300,logsOff) //Off in 5 minutes
    state.LastRefresh = new Date().format("YYYY/MM/dd \n HH:mm:ss", location.timeZone)


private dbCleanUp() {

def refresh(){
    if (ip != null) { // Don't set until IP is saved
    logDebug "Shelly Status called"
    def params = [uri: "http://${username}:${password}@${ip}/status"]

try {
    httpGet(params) {
        resp -> resp.headers.each {
        logJSON "Response: ${it.name} : ${it.value}"
        obs = resp.data
        logJSON "params: ${params}"
        logJSON "response contentType: ${resp.contentType}"
	    logJSON "response data: ${resp.data}"

        state.powerSource = settings?.powersource
        sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: state.powerSource)
        state.RelayChannel = channel
        sendEvent(name: "RelayChannel", value: state.RelayChannel)
        if (obs.temperature != null) sendEvent(name: "internal_tempC", value: obs.temperature)
        if (obs.tmp != null) {
            sendEvent(name: "internal_tempC", unit: "C", value: obs.tmp.tC)
            sendEvent(name: "internal_tempF", unit: "F", value: obs.tmp.tF)
        if (obs.overtemperature != null) sendEvent(name: "DeviceOverTemp", value: obs.overtemperature)
        if (obs.wifi_sta != null) {
        state.rssi = obs.wifi_sta.rssi
        state.ssid = obs.wifi_sta.ssid
        state.ip = obs.wifi_sta.ip
        sendEvent(name: "Primary_SSID", value: state.ssid)
        sendEvent(name: "Primary_IP", value: state.ip)
-30 dBm	Excellent | -67 dBm	Good | -70 dBm	Poor | -80 dBm	Weak | -90 dBm	Dead
        signal = state.rssi
        if (signal <= 0 && signal >= -70) {
            sendEvent(name:  "WiFiSignal", value: "<font color='green'>Excellent</font>", isStateChange: true);
        } else
        if (signal < -70 && signal >= -80) {
            sendEvent(name:  "WiFiSignal", value: "<font color='green'>Good</font>", isStateChange: true);
        } else
        if (signal < -80 && signal >= -90) {
            sendEvent(name: "WiFiSignal", value: "<font color='yellow'>Poor</font>", isStateChange: true);
        } else 
        if (signal < -90 && signal >= -100) {
            sendEvent(name: "WiFiSignal", value: "<font color='red'>Weak</font>", isStateChange: true);

        state.mac = obs.mac
        sendEvent(name: "MAC", value: state.mac)
        sendEvent(name: "rssi", value: state.rssi)
// Shelly EM emeters
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHEM" || state.DeviceType == "SHEM-3") {
        if (eMeter == 0 )sendEvent(name: "power", value: obs.emeters.power[0])
        if (eMeter == 0 )sendEvent(name: "voltage", value: obs.emeters.voltage[0])
        if (eMeter == 0 )sendEvent(name: "reactive", value: obs.emeters.reactive[0])
        if (eMeter == 0 ) {
			energyNow = obs.emeters.total[0]
			energyNow = energyNow / 60000
			sendEvent(name: "energy", value: energyNow)

        if (eMeter == 1 )sendEvent(name: "power", value: obs.emeters.power[1])
        if (eMeter == 1 )sendEvent(name: "voltage", value: obs.emeters.voltage[1])
        if (eMeter == 1 )sendEvent(name: "reactive", value: obs.emeters.reactive[1])
        if (eMeter == 1 )  {
			energyNow = obs.emeters.total[1]
			energyNow = energyNow / 60000
			sendEvent(name: "energy", value: energyNow)

        if (state.DeviceType == "SHEM-3") {
        if (eMeter == 2 )sendEvent(name: "power", value: obs.emeters.power[2])
        if (eMeter == 2 )sendEvent(name: "voltage", value: obs.emeters.voltage[2])
        if (eMeter == 2 )sendEvent(name: "reactive", value: obs.emeters.reactive[2])
        if (eMeter == 2 ) {
			energyNow = obs.emeters.total[2]
			energyNow = energyNow / 60000
			sendEvent(name: "energy", value: energyNow)
        state.eMeter = eMeter
        sendEvent(name: "eMeter", value: state.eMeter)

// Device FW Updates
        state.has_update = obs.has_update
        if (state.has_update == true) {
            if (txtEnable) log.info "sendEvent NEW SHELLY FIRMWARE"
            sendEvent(name: "FW_Update_Needed", value: "<font color='red'>FIRMWARE Update Required</font>")
        if (state.has_update == false) {
            if (txtEnable) log.info "sendEvent Device FW is current"
            sendEvent(name: "FW_Update_Needed", value: "<font color='green'>Device FW is current</font>")

// Cloud
        state.cloud = obs.cloud.enabled
        if (state.cloud == true) {
            sendEvent(name: "Cloud", value: "<font color='green'>Enabled</font>")
        } else {
            sendEvent(name: "Cloud", value: "<font color='red'>Disabled</font>")
        state.cloudConnected = obs.cloud.connected
        if (state.cloudConnected == true) {
            sendEvent(name: "Cloud_Connected", value: "<font color='green'>Connected</font>")
        } else {
            sendEvent(name: "Cloud_Connected", value: "<font color='red'>Not Connected</font>")
// Relays
        if (obs.relays != null) {
        if (channel ==0) ison = obs.relays.ison[0]
        if (channel ==1) ison = obs.relays.ison[1]
        if (channel ==2) ison = obs.relays.ison[2]
        if (channel ==3) ison = obs.relays.ison[3]
        if (ison == true) {
            sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on")
        } else {
            sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off")
// Power Meters
        if (obs.meters != null) {
        if (channel ==0) power = obs.meters.power[0]
        if (channel ==1) power = obs.meters.power[1]
        if (channel ==2) power = obs.meters.power[2]
        if (channel ==3) power = obs.meters.power[3]
        if (power != null) sendEvent(name: "power", unit: "W", value: power)

// Power Totals
        if (channel ==0) powerTotal = obs.meters.total[0]
        if (channel ==1) powerTotal = obs.meters.total[1]
        if (channel ==2) powerTotal = obs.meters.total[2]
        if (channel ==3) powerTotal = obs.meters.total[3]
		powerTotal = powerTotal / 60000
        if (powerTotal != null) sendEvent(name: "energy", unit: "kWh", value: powerTotal)

// Over Power
        if (obs.relays != null) {
        if (channel ==0) overpower = obs.relays.overpower[0]
        if (channel ==1) overpower = obs.relays.overpower[1]
        if (channel ==2) overpower = obs.relays.overpower[2]
        if (channel ==3) overpower = obs.relays.overpower[3]
        if (overpower != null) sendEvent(name: "overpower", value: overpower)

// These devices don't offer the
// battery or mains option
// so the default is set to mains
        if (getDataValue("model") in ["SHEM","SHEM-3"]) {
            state.powerSource = "mains"
            sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: "mains")
        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHSW-44") {
            state.powerSource = "mains"
            sendEvent(name: "voltage", value: obs.voltage)
            sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: "mains")
        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHSW-PM") {
            state.powerSource = "mains"
            sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: "mains")
        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHSW-21") {
            state.powerSource = "mains"
            sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: "mains")
        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHPLG-1") {
            state.powerSource = "mains"
            sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: "mains")
        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHPLG-S") {
            state.powerSource = "mains"
            sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: "mains")
        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHPLG-U1") {
            state.powerSource = "mains"
            sendEvent(name: "powerSource", value: "mains")

// Externel Sensors Shelly 1 and 1PM only
        if (external_sensors) {
            if (obs.ext_sensors != null) {
                t_unit = obs.ext_sensors.temperature_unit
                state.temperature_unit = t_unit
                ext_switch = obs.ext_switch

                if (ext_switch != null) {
                    sendEvent(name: "ext_switch_state", value:obs.ext_switch['0'].input)
                    if (external_contact_reversed == "No")
                    if (obs.ext_switch['0'].input == 0)
                        sendEvent(name:"contact", value: "open", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Contact was Opened")
                    if (obs.ext_switch['0'].input == 1)
                        sendEvent(name:"contact", value: "closed", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Contact was Closed")
                  if (external_contact_reversed == "Yes")
                    if (obs.ext_switch['0'].input == 1)
                        sendEvent(name:"contact", value: "open", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Contact was Opened")
                    if (obs.ext_switch['0'].input == 0)
                        sendEvent(name:"contact", value: "closed", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Contact was Closed")
                if (obs.ext_temperature['0'] != null) sendEvent(name: "temperature", unit: t_unit, value: obs.ext_temperature['0']."t${t_unit}")
                if (obs.ext_humidity['0'] != null) sendEvent(name: "humidity", value: obs.ext_humidity['0'].hum)

                if (obs.ext_temperature['1'] != null) sendEvent(name: "ext2_temperature", unit: t_unit, value: obs.ext_temperature['1']."t${t_unit}")
                if (obs.ext_humidity['1'] != null) sendEvent(name: "ext2_humidity", value: obs.ext_humidity['1'].hum)

                if (obs.ext_temperature['2'] != null) sendEvent(name: "ext3_temperature", unit: t_unit, value: obs.ext_temperature['2']."t${t_unit}")
                if (obs.ext_humidity['2'] != null) sendEvent(name: "ext3_humidity", value: obs.ext_humidity['2'].hum)
} // End try
       } catch (e) {
           log.error "something went wrong: $e"
    } // End if !==ip      
} // End Refresh Status

// Get shelly device type
def getSettings(){
    if (ip != null) { // Don't set until IP is saved
    logDebug "Get Shelly Settings"
    def paramsSettings = [uri: "http://${username}:${password}@${ip}/settings"]

try {
    httpGet(paramsSettings) {
        respSettings -> respSettings.headers.each {
        logJSON "ResponseSettings: ${it.name} : ${it.value}"
        obsSettings = respSettings.data

        logJSON "params: ${paramsSettings}"
        logJSON "response contentType: ${respSettings.contentType}"
	    logJSON "response data: ${respSettings.data}"

        state.DeviceType = obsSettings.device.type
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHSW-1") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly 1")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHSW-PM") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly 1PM")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHSW-21") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly 2")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHSW-25") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly 2.5")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHSW-44") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly 4Pro")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHEM") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly EM")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHEM-3") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly EM3")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHPLG-1") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly Plug")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHPLG-S") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly PlugS")
        if (state.DeviceType == "SHPLG-U1") sendEvent(name: "DeviceType", value: "Shelly Plug US")

        state.ShellyHostname = obsSettings.device.hostname
        state.sntp_server = obsSettings.sntp.server
        sendEvent(name: "NTPServer", value: state.sntp_server)

        // Plug and PlugS have network and output LED indicator lights
        if (obsSettings.led_status_disable != null) {
            if (obsSettings.led_status_disable == false) {
                sendEvent(name: "LED_NetworkStatus", value: "<font color='green'>Enabled</font>")
            } else {
                sendEvent(name: "LED_NetworkStatus", value: "<font color='red'>Disabled</font>")
            if (obsSettings.led_power_disable == false) {
                sendEvent(name: "LED_Output", value: "<font color='green'>Enabled</font>")
            } else {
                sendEvent(name: "LED_Output", value: "<font color='red'>Disabled</font>")

//Get Device name
       if (obsSettings.name != "NotSet") {
           state.DeviceName = obsSettings.name
           sendEvent(name: "DeviceName", value: state.DeviceName)
           updateDataValue("DeviceName", state.DeviceName)
           if (txtEnable) log.info "DeviceName is ${obsSettings.name}"
       } else if (obsSettings.name != null) {
           state.DeviceName = "NotSet"
           sendEvent(name: "DeviceName", value: state.DeviceName)
           if (txtEnable) log.info "DeviceName is ${obsSettings.name}"
//Get Relay name
        if (getDataValue("model") != "SHPLG-S" && getDataValue("model") != "SHPLG-1" && getDataValue("model") != "SHPLG-U1" && getDataValue("model") != "SHEM") {
            if (obsSettings.relays != null) {
                if (channel == 0) relay_name = obsSettings.relays.name[0]
                if (channel == 1) relay_name = obsSettings.relays.name[1]
                if (channel == 2) relay_name = obsSettings.relays.name[2]
                if (channel == 3) relay_name = obsSettings.relays.name[3]
                if (relay_name != null) {
                    state.RelayName = relay_name
                    sendEvent(name: "RelayName", value: state.RelayName)
                    if (txtEnable) log.info "RelayName is ${relay_name}"
                } else {
                    state.RelayName = "NotSet"
                    sendEvent(name: "RelayName", value: state.RelayName)
                    if (txtEnable) log.info "RelayName is ${relay_name}"
                updateDataValue("RelayName", state.RelayName)
        } // The Plug devices do not offer a relay name

        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHEM") {
            state.RelayName = obsSettings.relays.name[0]
            sendEvent(name: "RelayName", value: state.RelayName)
            updateDataValue("RelayName", state.RelayName)
        if (obsSettings.wifi_sta1 != null) {
        state.rssi = obsSettings.wifi_sta1.rssi
        state.Secondary_ssid = obsSettings.wifi_sta1.ssid
        state.Secondary_IP = obsSettings.wifi_sta1.ip
            if (obsSettings.wifi_sta1.enabled == true) sendEvent(name: "Secondary_SSID", value: state.Secondary_ssid)
            if (state.Secondary_IP != null) sendEvent(name: "Secondary_IP", value: state.Secondary_IP)
        // Max watt setting
        if (obsSettings.relays.max_power != null) {
            if (channel ==0) max_power = obsSettings.relays.max_power[0]
            if (channel ==1) max_power = obsSettings.relays.max_power[1]
            if (channel ==2) max_power = obsSettings.relays.max_power[2]
            if (channel ==3) max_power = obsSettings.relays.max_power[3]
            if (max_power == null) max_power = 0

            if (txtEnable) log.info "Max power is set to ${max_power} Watts"
            sendEvent(name: "MaxPower", unit: "W", value: max_power)
            state.max_power = max_power
            device.updateSetting("maxpower",[value: max_power, type:"number"])
        // Circuit Amperage Setting ShellyEM ONLY
        if (getDataValue("model") == "SHEM") {
            if (channel ==0) ctraf_type = obsSettings.emeters.ctraf_type[0]
            if (channel ==1) ctraf_type = obsSettings.emeters.ctraf_type[1]

            if (txtEnable) log.info "Circuit Amperage is set to ${ctraf} Amps"
            sendEvent(name: "CircuitAmp", unit: "amp" , value: "${ctraf}")
            state.ctraf_type = ctraf_type
        logDebug "updating data values"
        updateDataValue("model", state.DeviceType)
        updateDataValue("ShellyHostname", state.ShellyHostname)
        updateDataValue("ShellyIP", state.ip)
        updateDataValue("ShellySSID", obsSettings.wifi_sta.ssid)
        updateDataValue("manufacturer", "Allterco Robotics")
        updateDataValue("MAC", state.mac)
        updateDataValue("DeviceName", state.DeviceName)

} // End try
       } catch (e) {
           log.error "something went wrong: $e"
    } // End if !==ip      
} // End Refresh Status

def on() {
    if (protect == "No") {
        logDebug "Executing switch.on"
        sendSwitchCommand "/relay/${channel}?turn=on"
    if (protect == "Yes") {
        sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "<font color='red'>LOCKED</font>")
        runIn(1, refresh)

def off() {
    if (protect == "No") {
        logDebug "Executing switch.off"
        sendSwitchCommand "/relay/${channel}?turn=off"
    if (protect == "Yes") {
        sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "<font color='red'>LOCKED</font>")
        runIn(1, refresh)

def ping() {
	logDebug "ping"

def logsOff(){
	log.warn "debug logging auto disabled..."

def autorefresh() {
    if (locale == "UK") {
	logDebug "Get last UK Date DD/MM/YYYY"
	state.LastRefresh = new Date().format("d/MM/YYYY \n HH:mm:ss", location.timeZone)
	sendEvent(name: "LastRefresh", value: state.LastRefresh, descriptionText: "Last refresh performed")
	if (locale == "US") {
	logDebug "Get last US Date MM/DD/YYYY"
	state.LastRefresh = new Date().format("MM/d/YYYY \n HH:mm:ss", location.timeZone)
	sendEvent(name: "LastRefresh", value: state.LastRefresh, descriptionText: "Last refresh performed")
	if (txtEnable) log.info "Executing 'auto refresh'" //RK


private logJSON(msg) {
	if (settings?.debugParse || settings?.debugParse == null) {
	log.info "$msg"

private logDebug(msg) {
	if (settings?.debugOutput || settings?.debugOutput == null) {
	log.debug "$msg"

// handle commands
//RK Updated to include last refreshed
def poll() {
	if (locale == "UK") {
	logDebug "Get last UK Date DD/MM/YYYY"
	state.LastRefresh = new Date().format("d/MM/YYYY \n HH:mm:ss", location.timeZone)
	sendEvent(name: "LastRefresh", value: state.LastRefresh, descriptionText: "Last refresh performed")
	if (locale == "US") {
	logDebug "Get last US Date MM/DD/YYYY"
	state.LastRefresh = new Date().format("MM/d/YYYY \n HH:mm:ss", location.timeZone)
	sendEvent(name: "LastRefresh", value: state.LastRefresh, descriptionText: "Last refresh performed")
	if (txtEnable) log.info "Executing 'poll'" //RK

def sendSwitchCommand(action) {
    if (txtEnable) log.info "Calling ${action}"
    def params = [uri: "http://${username}:${password}@${ip}/${action}"]
try {
    httpPost(params) {
        resp -> resp.headers.each {
        logDebug "Response: ${it.name} : ${it.value}"
} // End try
} catch (e) {
        log.error "something went wrong: $e"
    runIn(2, refresh)

def RebootDevice() {
    if (txtEnable) log.info "Rebooting Device"
    def params = [uri: "http://${username}:${password}@${ip}/reboot"]
try {
    httpPost(params) {
        resp -> resp.headers.each {
        logDebug "Response: ${it.name} : ${it.value}"
} // End try
} catch (e) {
        log.error "something went wrong: $e"

def UpdateDeviceFW() {
    if (txtEnable) log.info "Updating Device FW"
    def params = [uri: "http://${username}:${password}@${ip}/ota?update=1"]
try {
    httpPost(params) {
        resp -> resp.headers.each {
        logDebug "Response: ${it.name} : ${it.value}"
} // End try
} catch (e) {
        log.error "something went wrong: $e"

// Check Version   ***** with great thanks and acknowlegment to Cobra (github CobraVmax) for his original code **************
def version(){
	schedule("0 0 18 1/1 * ? *", updatecheck) // Cron schedule
//	schedule("0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *", updatecheck) // Test Cron schedule

def updatecheck(){
    def paramsUD = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShellyUSA/Hubitat-Drivers/master/resources/version.json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]
    try {
        httpGet(paramsUD) { respUD ->
            if (debugParse) log.debug " Version Checking - Response Data: ${respUD.data}"
            def copyrightRead = (respUD.data.copyright)
            state.Copyright = copyrightRead
            def newVerRaw = (respUD.data.versions.Driver.(state.InternalName))
            def newVer = (respUD.data.versions.Driver.(state.InternalName).replace(".", ""))
            def currentVer = state.Version.replace(".", "")
            state.UpdateInfo = (respUD.data.versions.UpdateInfo.Driver.(state.InternalName))
            state.author = (respUD.data.author)
            state.icon = (respUD.data.icon)
            if(newVer == "NLS"){
                state.DriverStatus = "<b>** This driver is no longer supported by $state.author  **</b>"
                log.warn "** This driver is no longer supported by $state.author **"
            } else
                if(newVer == "BETA"){
                state.Status = "<b>** THIS IS BETA CODE  **</b>"
                log.warn "** BETA CODE **"
            } else
                if(currentVer < newVer){
                state.DriverStatus = "<b>New Version Available (Version: $newVerRaw)</b>"
                log.warn "** There is a newer version of this driver available  (Version: $newVerRaw) **"
                log.warn "** $state.UpdateInfo **"
            } else
                if(currentVer > newVer){
                state.DriverStatus = "<b>You are using a Test version of this Driver (Version: $state.Version)</b>"
            } else {
                state.DriverStatus = "Current"
                log.info "You are using the current version of this driver"
        } // httpGet
    } // try

    catch (e) {
        log.error "Something went wrong: CHECK THE JSON FILE AND IT'S URI -  $e"
    if(state.DriverStatus == "Current"){
        state.UpdateInfo = "Up to date"
        sendEvent(name: "DriverUpdate", value: state.UpdateInfo)
        sendEvent(name: "DriverStatus", value: state.DriverStatus)
    } else {
        sendEvent(name: "DriverUpdate", value: state.UpdateInfo)
        sendEvent(name: "DriverStatus", value: state.DriverStatus)

    sendEvent(name: "DriverAuthor", value: "sgrayban")
    sendEvent(name: "DriverVersion", value: state.Version)
1 Like

Not sure if this was discussed before. Is there a way to force refresh the data table from a rule on a specific device if I wanted to pull the last cost after it finishes being powered on?

Example: Pool pump runs on schedule, after it finishes running, refresh the table, then use variable connector to provide up-to-date cost for that device in a notification?

Not directly. If you enable the HTML option, it also gives an option that will automatically update the table on a time interval.

1 Like

Thank you for this informative response, nice work-around,

Can the variable connector link be used in RM rule or it's strictly Maker API? I tried in RM rule to pull today's cost for a notification but can't figure out how to get it to update/pull in the data from the table.

1 Like

You can access variables directly in RM, no need for the connector.

Should just be able to do

"%costVariableName% spent on energy"

1 Like