No Logs for rule

My C-7 hub is updated to the latest SW
Rule actually works/worked but there is nothing in the log.

I am testing various potential "Arrival" options.
Currently I enabled Geofence detection on Alexa and HE Android app.
Here is my arrival test rule:

Today when I return back to home Alexa Geofence actually worked but
HE android app Geofence did not. I checked all related logs and I
figure out Alexa VSwitch was a reason for triggering the above rule.
As you can see, all rule log related options are turned on.
However "past logs" did not have any records related to the above rule.
My question is:
Rule was triggered at least by first trigger event but rule did not log anything.

Did you hit Done after turning logging on?

A few possibilities:

  1. What version of Rule is this? (Specifically; it should say something like "Rule" in small text at the bottom.) You used to have to click "Done" to save changes for logs, but they are now committed immediately. I don't remember when that change was made, but I know it wasn't there in Rule 5.0 and possibly not in the first revision of Rule 5.1, either. (But if this is what it shows when you open the page, you're probably good--the options just wouldn't have been saved otherwise.)

  2. Past logs are size-limited and only go back so far. Depending on how "chatty" your logs are, you simply may not be able to go back far enough to see what you want. Limiting unnecessary log entries can be helpful for this.

  3. If your past logs do have the data you need, as of a recent firmware update, the entire contents are not loaded by default. There is a "Load more" link at the bottom that will go farther back until you aren't able to go farther back anymore because there is no more data (see above).

Also, did you get the notification? :slight_smile: If so, you at least know the rule worked. If not and you're trying to troubleshoot why it wouldn't have triggered, something different is at play. Looking at "Subscriptions" under "App Status" (gear icon) may be helpful. Hitting "Done" (or "Update Rule"--you don't need to hit both; they do the same thing besides the fact that Update Rule keeps you on the same page) will re-initialize those, but it sounds like you've done that.


Yes, I am always hitting "Update Rule" and "Done" buttons.

Yes, I got the notification and linked it to first (Alexa) trigger event.

It is : Version 5.1.2 (3/16/2022)
Rule was created just today morning after ALL latest updates was applied to the hub.

That was it!
BIG Thank you for the tip.
I found a rule related logs: