Newbie Massively Confused and Looking for Guidance on Homebridge/Hubitat

Hi there,

So i have homebridge set up on Rasberry Pi 5 and have the C-8 Pro setup. I am looking for the general order of things. The goal hear is obviously to use non-homekit devices with Homekit. The general sense is i need to add all devices using hubitat and have hubitat communicate with homebridge correct?

So i install hubitat plugin on homebridge, and install the hubitat-homebridge driver on hubitat and then add devices?

When i added the plugin on homebridge, a screen came up asking for specific information that i could not figure out or find. The second item is like AQL address or something?

Does anyone know where i can get basic guidance on using this setup and how to run this properly?

If you want it to be easy, use the built in HomeKit integration and forgot about Homebridge.
Docs for built in integration: HomeKit Integration | Hubitat Documentation

If you want to keep using Homebridge, follow the instructions: [RELEASE] Homebridge Hubitat v2.0

Full instructions:


Thank you, appreciate the help. So with hubitats HomeKit integration, thereโ€™s nothing the home bridge can do that the habitat canโ€™t correct?

You can do a little more advanced fine tuning of things with the Homebridge app but I think most users will be fine using the built in integration. Turn on the advanced option at the bottom right away so you can adjust what states are sent to Homekit for each device.