Newbie from Smartthings

Well said.

To the OP give hubitat a chance. You won't regret it. But as others mentioned remember it is not exactly like smart things. They are so similar yet worlds apart.

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I wish more here could see it that way. It seems that since some may view dashboards as as vessel for 'control' not intel. Since 'control' is semi frowned upon over 'automation', dashboard get no love as facilitators. Maybe if more used dashboards to quickly gather all the intel the house has, maybe dashboards would be higher on the pecking order for improvements.

Now if someone wanted to make an app that displayed given stock prices, that be another thing off my morning list with a glance :wink:

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Don't get me wrong... I like dashboards. Just not Hubitat's.

And I had this sitting in front of me in my home office on an 8 inch tablet. There's a space where hubitat dash elements were until I uninstalled that app altogether because I wasn't using them.


This is why I wrote HousePanel. I hated the look of ActionTiles on ST and didn’t appreciate the business model of other options. So the donationware HousePanel was born.


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