New UI - 500 Error Loading Device JSON

I'm having an issue with one device (using the Hubitat Information Driver) that won't load (just get the spinning wheel forever). When I look at browser calls, it is failing on /device/fullJson/6706 with a 500 error. The return HTML isn't super helpful and there are no logs in any of the tabs.

                        <h2>Error 500</h2>
                        <h3>Something went wrong</h3>

I can't delete the device, change the driver, or really, do anything with the device.

I did end up playing around with the driver and tracked it down to this attribute:

attribute "zigbeePan", "string"

When removed from the driver, the json (and page) loads properly. I tried to pull the value in WebCore and it returns a four char hex string. It doesn't appear to have any hidden chars from a network trace, but when I do an equivalency check with a string, it fails, so it likely does. When I look at the json at /hub/zigbeeDetails/json where it retrieves it, it's a normal string.

I can workaround this by removing the attribute, however this seems like the json that is returned for a device should be sanitized.

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