New rules in Rule Machine Legacy

I just upgraded to version and discovered I can no longer create legacy 4.1 rules.

Is there a way to access the old editor?

I like to keep my code sections bundled. I'm fine with new capabilities being 5.x rules, but for adding a few new alerts or whatever, I'd hate to spread that over two child apps -- it will just make debugging messy!

You can clone or export/import existing rules--or really any app, as of recent platform versions. This is under the "App Status" (gear icon) page for the app, the Rule 4.1 rule in this case. So, you could clone a rule that is close to what you want (or nearly empty--keeping such a rule around is handy if you do this a lot), then edit it as needed.


You cannot create a new 4.1 rule from scratch but you can clone an existing 4.1 rule and then amend it by deleting everything and starting again with the clone.

EDIT: What @bertabcd1234 said before me. :wink:


Thanks guys! That worked flawlessly.

Another example of Bruce et. al. really thinking through the development process and supporting their product well.

And of the community really being there for others!