I’m not able to access my hub remotely. I just subscribed to the new service yesterday. I decided to test it while I’m at work and the connect to hub button is grayed out and it won’t let me connect . It shows my hub’s it but I’m not able to connect to it ?
Mind posting a screenshot of your Registered Hubs page? Or can you share what other buttons are grayed out?
This means that hub is offline. I see on the other thread that your hub wasn't connected to the cloud. If the hub is not connected, you cannot use Remote Admin either.
My hub in connect and I’m connected to the cloud again . My issue with that was when I lost my power my hub connected to my modem’s IP instead of my routers Ip (weird) . My screen shot you’re asking about has my IP In it do I need to post that here ?
IP address is not unique, but if you are not comfortable sharing it in public, you can send me a private message.
even if it is 'unigue' your hub's internal IP address is not publicly routable, meaning no one can do anything harmful with that information unless they are connected to you local LAN/Wi-Fi
I've seen a lot of people 'black out' their local IP, if it helps you sleep at night, great!, but in the end it's not 'dangerous.
I hear @bobbyD likes PMs anyways, so blow him up!