New phone, notifications gone

Hi all,

Just switched phones, installed the Hubitat app etc, but not getting notifications anymore. Any thoughts on how to fix this? Thanks in advance!

Did you claim your existing profile on to your new phone when you logged on to the new mobiles HE app?

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@user106 You will have to make you phone a new device on hubitat then change all your notifications to that new device.

@rlithgow1, when he selects his hub, shouldn’t he be able to select the previous phone as his device, which would allow his previously setup notifications to work?


Ii thought the previous device used a generated I and when you log in from a new phone with the app it creates another devices with a generated unique ID .... Or am I wrong on that count?

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Well, I had to go through the steps (useful to have more than 1 hub for this! :smile: ), and found that a user can do either:

  1. Click on the “Create New Device” button on the bottom of the screen - this will create a new device on the hub that can be used to send notifications
  2. Select a device from the existing list - this will send notifications from that device to the phone that selected it.

Yep, this is the Hubitat intended design when users switch phones.