New Leviton DZ6HD Z-Wave Driver

I am experiencing something similar.

I first physically turned the switch on, then physically increased the brightness 3 times, then physically turned the light off. That all reported properly.

I then, through the device page in Hubitat, turned the light on, turned the brightness down 3 times, then turned the light off. Turning the light on was reported as a [physical] on, although it was a digital from the device page, the digital change in brightness wasn't logged and then turning the light off digitally was accurately reported.


One more issue to note, I switched back to the generic smart dimmer driver (hit save and configure) and now a couple issues:

  • I hit my bedtime routine and that switch didn't turn off, not sure why, it always does
  • the switch's status isn't being reported properly anymore even if I control the Switch from the device page, I have to hit the refresh button for the status to update.

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