New Dashboards and Visual Rule Builder Are Here.... Yay!

Not to mention that the days of filling a dashboard page with all of your sensors to monitor batteries are over :wink:


Look Over Here Steve Carell GIF


Look Over Here Steve Carell GIF



healthStatus for Zigbee / Z-wave / Matter and networkStatus for LAN devices.
networkStatus is used in some HE built-in drivers as well.


Don't worry, it was only convenient for me to quote your post.... An easy "in" to include my jibe :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Allow users to select attributes

A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Allow users to add PIN to a dashboard

I like the battery icon on the tile. It would be even better if the icon had a tooltip that showed the exact percentage of the battery.


The sidebar disappears when a new dashboard is viewed making it difficult to select another action. Is there a setting I missed to make the sidebar always present?

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A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] HSM tile doesn't show the additional details

I may just be too tired to pay attention, but I cannot get an new "easy" dashboard to show up on my iphone either in home or cloud selections. It does show up on my phone on dashboards if I use a browser and go to the hub and sign in and select dashboards.. How do I get the app on my phone to see these new layouts.

It has not yet been activated, they are still working on the cloud part of the new dashboard.

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This looks great. Found a problem with the HSM tile, for the Tile name is automatically chooses the HTML for it..?

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Love the new dashboards! the frag and drop is great and I love the new Device icons.

Just wondering if there is a way to add a custom attribute or tile like in the old dashboards? am I missing something or is this functionality that is not yet implemented, Thanks!


Looks great! Do the new dashboards allow you to PIN protect HSM tiles like the old dashboard?

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Not yet, but the enhancement has been requested and was noted.


I really like were they are going with them, but I’m finding them a bit a frustrating ATM. In part because editing acts differently between browsers (Safari vs Google SpyWare vs Firefox), and partly because I haven’t been able to successfully replicate a single one of my dashboards in full yet, due to current limitations.

But EZ Dashboard is basically at v1.1 currently, so I’m not expecting it to be good till v3.1. :wink:

Ps, If you don’t get the version reference, I feel sorry for you as you missed out on the crazy fun that was computing in the 80’s and 90’s. :vulcan_salute:


I’d say v3.11 running on v6.22 :nerd_face:


V3.1 was the game changer tho if you look at sales, 3.11 was a fairly minor update. In big offices, v3.11 WFW was a massive deal tho.


Thank you for the response and information. It may be good and easier for someone without the creativity, patience and perseverance to get the desired layout correct. I do miss the colors and changing colors of some items and particularly the ability to change those, but it appears this is a WIP.

Agreed I figure itll all come with time.

For now ill just leave my existing dashboards in place and check back after each update until it reaches feature parity with the old dashboards and i can move over to the new ones.