New Dashboards and Visual Rule Builder Are Here.... Yay!

To try and balance the conversation out a little.... We also have a visual rule builder....

John Cena Mind Blown GIF


Ummmm what ? Really ?
You guys have been crazy busy !

Surprise Seinfeld GIF


I know.... :slight_smile:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Easy Dashboard feature request and feedback

Aslo, don't let the small tiles fool you. The bigger you make the tile, the more details you get:



There is also a bonus feature available for some community drivers : [Project] Device Health Status [Tuya, Aqara, Ikea, Sonoff, Lidl, ThirdReality and others]


Thank you @Hubitat_Staff ! :tada:


Not to mention that the days of filling a dashboard page with all of your sensors to monitor batteries are over :wink:


Look Over Here Steve Carell GIF


Look Over Here Steve Carell GIF



healthStatus for Zigbee / Z-wave / Matter and networkStatus for LAN devices.
networkStatus is used in some HE built-in drivers as well.


Don't worry, it was only convenient for me to quote your post.... An easy "in" to include my jibe :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Allow users to select attributes

A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Allow users to add PIN to a dashboard

I like the battery icon on the tile. It would be even better if the icon had a tooltip that showed the exact percentage of the battery.


The sidebar disappears when a new dashboard is viewed making it difficult to select another action. Is there a setting I missed to make the sidebar always present?

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A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] HSM tile doesn't show the additional details

I may just be too tired to pay attention, but I cannot get an new "easy" dashboard to show up on my iphone either in home or cloud selections. It does show up on my phone on dashboards if I use a browser and go to the hub and sign in and select dashboards.. How do I get the app on my phone to see these new layouts.

It has not yet been activated, they are still working on the cloud part of the new dashboard.

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This looks great. Found a problem with the HSM tile, for the Tile name is automatically chooses the HTML for it..?

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Love the new dashboards! the frag and drop is great and I love the new Device icons.

Just wondering if there is a way to add a custom attribute or tile like in the old dashboards? am I missing something or is this functionality that is not yet implemented, Thanks!


Looks great! Do the new dashboards allow you to PIN protect HSM tiles like the old dashboard?

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