New Dashboard - Mostly Great but a few tiny items

I think the new Easy Dashboard is a great step forward, and had to start somewhere, so these are just a few tiny things I hope/expect they'll clean up soon.

First, I wish I could do nested dashboards. In a thread about that it was said there was a link that would appear when editing a dashboard and hit the compass, but it didn't appear for me. All that appeared was the home icon and the X to close it.

Screen Shot 2024-05-25 at 3.30.11 PM

Screen Shot 2024-05-25 at 3.30.23 PM

Another one is that I have several Inovelli Fan + Lights but touching the main icon doesn't do anything. If I click the 3 dots then the speed controls appear and do work. I have 2 requests as to this tile: 1) that the main icon turns the fan on to its default speed, and then a click would turn it off, and 2) I do wish the fan pop up menu was tailer so I wouldn't have to scroll to set the speed/off. BTW, in the Classic dashboard the speed controls ares tall enough, but very, very wide.

Easy Dashboard:

Classic Dashboard:


Also on my Fibaro 6 button controller icon when I click the 3 dots I just get B1 - B6 and I wish to be able to edit the button names.

Inside the 3 dots of my Fibaro 6 button KeyFob. (BTW, love the battery icon).

But, all-in-all a great improvement and a big leap forward! Keep up the great work!


I think you may have misinterpreted what Bobby meant in that thread.

Currently, the only way to navigate between Easy dashboards from a dashboard page itself is to click the link back to “home” and then browse to another dashboard.

But as he mentioned, link tiles are under development and will be added to a future release.


Turn this on in your dashboard settings:



Even better :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Thanks. I did that and got it working, but I found I have to have a least 1 device in my "Main" dashboard. Having the links to other dashboards wasn't enough. Since I'm 99% sure I saw that a tile is coming for other Easy Dashboards I guess I'll just live with that until that happens.

This feature is on the team's radar, so hopefully it will be released soon.

I'm glad to see so much progress is coming so quickly. I was very glad to see that the main fan button now can turn the fan on and off. Am I correct that it turns on to whatever was the last setting? It seems so, as when I first clicked it, my fan came on to medium. I then used my Fibaro KeyFob that turns it on to low. When I then used the fan button on the Dashboard it came on to low. That is a great, and logical, start. I'm sure with all the bug fixes/improvements, this might not be high on the list at all, but I would like the option of having it come on to the last setting or a defined setting, which I suggest would be the Set Speed setting in the device:

(BTW, what is the Set Level next to that and how does that play in with the Set Speed setting?)

I also found an out-and-out bug in the button controller in that it is selecting the wrong button. Here you can see I've selected Button 3:

But when I clicked on Push it acted as if I pushed Button 2 (which turns on my hutch upper light):

Besides wishing we could label the buttons, I would also like to be able to change the layout. My actual Fibaro KeyFob is 3 rows and 2 columns, not the 3 columns and 2 rows as is. That would also help.

Finally, I see that have not yet fixed the part where if I'm editing a Dashboard and drag on icon over another one, and then keep dragging it, the icons I've passed over don't snap back into place. I'm sure that is a priority, but in the meantime, can we have the old school way implemented where we would use a popup grid to show where the button should move to, so it wouldn't move any other buttons?

But, as I said at the start, this is a giant leap forward and its great to see how fast they are making improvements, like the fan switch now working. Keep up the great work!

I have an Inovelli light strip. I set up 2 custom settings for white and blue effects and they work just fine in my EZ dashboard but the tile that simply turns the light strip on and off does not work and turns red no matter what I try to set it too. This tile is working fine in the Classic dashboard.

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