New c8 pro not seeing new c8 cloud backups (known issue) waiting for fix in new version


got new c8 pro.. i did a new cloud backup not seeing that one or the previous one.. latest cloud backup is 1.23

already logged into my account please advise asap or i will have to go back to old hub

in fact not seeing any of the c8 backups only my c7 in michigan.. is this a bug?

trying soft reset and deregistering new hub.

Looks like the C-8 to C-8Pro wasn’t available until the last Beta version, hasn’t made it to a production release yet.

This is a known issue, and fix coming soon, probably Monday.


okay going back to old hub then. let me know when avail. thanks for quick reply

so i assume i will need to install on update on old hub when avail.. do a new cloud backup and also install new f/w on new hub? probably early next week.

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Oops. Same issue on mine.

No worries, a couple more days isn't going to kill anyone.


just noticed local backups are the same size as the cloud backups on the c8. do they contain both radio backups so could i upload one of those to the c8 pro and restore instead of waiting for the fix next week?

The local backups do not include the radios.

thanks that is what i thought..

very strange they are the same size.. but i guess radio backup is small.

This is kinda definitely got both your tongues. :wink:


I jumped on C8 Pro a bit fast like others :-). I discovered I could not access any of my daily C8 cloud backups with radio backup (I have protect).

Burned again by the lack of radio backup in locals I guess. I made a local backup, and forgot about the missing Zigbee and Z-Wave.

I rebuilt all my Zigbee devices, and just finished rebuilding all my Z-wave devices, so I guess I don't need to wait for the Hubitat "fix".

Having Protect was supposed to keep this from happening?

On a side note, the C8 Pro is a very zippy device. You can feel the difference.

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True, it should, and does under normal circumstances. Seems like they got caught short by something here, since the Pro-specific software requirements weren't ready as these things started delivering. Hopefully, this no-man's-land period that started yesterday will end tomorrow.


I hope you either removed the device or renamed the DNI on all the old z-wave device entries before including new ones. Otherwise some of the new devices may have assumed the device entry from the old one and created a huge mess.

Yup, I removed the Zigbee devices (that were not responding), and Z-Wave devices (exclude, then include) first, thank you!

The cloud backup talks about Z-wave backup, but not Zigbee. I seem to recall seeing both checkboxes clicked on the advertising.

I'm learning that if something is not mentioned, it's not in there LOL.

Both ZB and ZW radios are backed up in a cloud backup, but neither are backed up in local backup.

FWIW, you don't actually have to have hub protect to migrate everything from an existing C8 (or C5/C7) to a newer "upgrade" hub (C8 or C8-Pro). When upgrading to a newer hub model, you can create a cloud backup that doesn't require Hub Protect on either hub.

The known issue in this case is that the C8 Pro needs a software update to see the backups from the other hubs. Oops. :wink: C8-Pro update hopefully arriving Monday or so.

Yep, I stupidly tried setting mine up today, thinking I was OK since my C8 was on beta, so its cloud backup should be good-to-go. Got just about to the finish line when I suddenly realized my Pro was not on beta, so yeah... Dead in the water. I didn't think that one all the way through :sweat_smile:

I shot a message to supportteam asking to get my Pro enrolled (thinking I could then update it via Diagnostic Tool), but that was already late afternoon here, so finger's-crossed they roll out the fix tomorrow as planned.