New button - button number? (sonoff)

I just got my first button device to play around with - sonoff button.

I got it paired into Hubitat, and on the device page I have fields to put in a NUMBER for push, double tap, held. But what are these for?

I then went over to the basic rule and created one for the button, when pushed - and when I select pushed it also wants a button number?

A device can have more than one button.

Now, select the "+" icon to add a specific button (button number) to the list of buttons in the table. You can add one button at a time or add all buttons you want at once if the device offers multiple buttons (e.g., the most common type of Pico remote offers buttons 1-5; every button device offers at least one button, and the actual numbers offered will vary depending on the device and driver).

Okay that makes sense I think.

So for my single button device, it already has the held/push/double events so all good there. But then it’s also using the specific sonoff button controller device driver - which would know there is only 1 single button on the device… so why is it even showing these button numbers?

Thats just the way the button capability is setup.
Apps that use buttons will know how many buttons a given device has.


Is there a way to use button 0 in Basic Button Controller? Some device inputs are indexed from 0 rather than 1, and this creates confusion.

FYI @BrunoVoeten

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0 is an invalid button id in our schema, button user drivers need to follow our schema to properly operate with our apps.


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