Need Z-wave/Scenes address of the device(s)

Hi all,

Im very new to Hubitat, been using vera for years, heard a lot of good stuff about HE so made the decision to switch.

Im trying to configure one of my 5 button keypad to work with scenes and stuff and cannot seems to find the following details. Hoping one of you can assist me please getting this up and running.... see attached picture of my keypad where i will need to add the address and picture of device that im trying to configure with the one of the button

Thanks in advance!!!

Need Z-wave address of the device ex. (2E)
I want to create a scene, I have to enter the levels. A dimmer between 0-99 and a switch 0 or 255. ex. (2E, 44 5C, 255 34.99)

From where you got that driver? Did you create an scene? Scenes in HE IDs are different.

i got the drivers from this site posted by one of the user..... here is the link Cooper 5 scenes
designed to work with this cooper 5 button switch.... im trying to get this switch up and running for the last 2 weeks, no luck :disappointed:.... i have 5 of these keypads with 70 other devices..... i haven't migrated all until i get one 5 button switch to work. any help here is greatly appreciated

The zwave node Id in hex is the device network id listed in the driver details, and the DNI column in the device list.

Do you actually want to use Z-Wave direct association? It looks like the driver also fires button events (just skimmed it and not sure if it really does but appears that it could be easily added), so you could just use a rule or app that subscribes to the appropriate button events, then do all your logic in that app/rule. If it's something simple like on/off or dimming (and the other device is also Z-Wave), you can certainly do association, and it may be a bit faster since the hub isn't involved at all (after setup), but this is something to consider if you want more flexibility. It's also most older Z-Wave button devices work on Hubitat (e.g., the Minimote...and I guess it's also similar to how newer devices work except they use central scene commands on the button device side).

thank you @mike.maxwell for the DNI. @bertabcd1234, All i wanted is to control (on/off) 5 switches with one 5 button cooper switch and other 4 cooper buttons to run scenes by their 5 buttons.... im too new to HE and having issues setting one cooper with just 1 GE switch, wonder how im going to setup the other 4 coopers and 70 devices.... :slight_smile: please assist. thank you:pray:

By "run scenes," do you mean Hubitat scenes? If so, those are not accessible to Z-Wave devices directly--they're a Hubitat concept that can include devices of any type, so Z-Wave direct association won't work. But if the Z-Wave device can send a "button event" to Hubitat (e.g., "button 1 pushed," "button 2 pushed," or similar, possibly also supporting "held" or "released"), you could use that button event to trigger some effect in Hubitat. (If you're not sure if this happens, check the "Events" tab/link on the device page and refresh it after you press a button to see what it registered. The live logs, accessible from the "Logs" link in the left-side Hubitat menu, may also reveal things.)

I suspect this using this type of device as a button device is what most Hubitat users do, though it's probably because many of us come from a certain platform where direct association wasn't something you could easily set up (and where Z-Wave was only one of two bigshots, whereas it's most of what Vera does). I don't have one to test with and I'm not entirely sure what the driver reports when you manipulate the device, but if it creates button events that Hubitat can use, it should be easy to set up an automation. Most lighting apps can take button events as an input/trigger that you can use to, say, turn on or dim lights of your choosing, along with a variety of other options.

thanks @bertabcd1234, i dont mind using Hubitat scenes, i can use the keypad device handler feature to control other switches. see attached picture...

i cant figure out "Button 1 scene ID(1-250), "Button 1 scene dimming duration (0-60) seconds" "Button 1 Scene Capable Device IDs example (A3, 12, 25)" "Button 1 Devices via association, Device ID followed by level(0,1-99,255) example(03, 99, 0E, 255)" and so fourth for other buttons...... can't figure out these detail such as where can i find them to fill in the button fields? so far i have only added one GE switch and here the details of that

You’ll have to forgive me…I’m not very familiar with scenes & Hubitats features yet. I had a Vera for years and just switched to Hubitat... a lot to learn here ...

  1. For scene ID, can I just pick any arbitrary number between 0 and 255? And if so, is there an easy way to keep track of them short of doing it manually via a spreadsheet or something?
  2. Dimming duration is self-explanatory (I think…I hope)
  3. For the setting for “Button 1 Scene Capable Devices -example (A3, 2C, 25) - Tap to set”…what do I enter here? The z-wave device number? The example says “(A3, 2C, 25)” which looks like command codes…so I’m not sure if I enter those…or the device number. If I enter the command code…how does it know which dimmer to activate?

Again…I appreciate your help.

I think yes because scenes in ST has very long number, not 0 to 255.

The device network ID, because you have only one device, that device per your screenshot is 02


By the way, looking your screenshot, your device driver has the generic switch driver, not the smart switch driver, if HE chosen that driver that means it's not z wave plus so it should go in the poller app for better performance.

Thank you so much all for your help here.... i have finally got it going....i had to reset/disconnect & reconnect power the switch after so many tries and then started all over again...and it worked the first time..... bingo..... I think i had sent way to many commands to configure and the switch stopped updating to new commands; therefore wasn't updating...

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