Need to control HE remotely (VPN, Port Forwarding?)

The ORBI system uses OpenVPN and you need to setup that application with the appropriate settings.

Here is a video on how to do that:

No, I've tried it from 4G network but it doesn't work. When I enable DMZ on the ISP router it tells me this: "Note: the Access to the modem in WAN is using HTTPS and port 8090, in the LAN is using 80 port."

From remote: -> takes me to the IPS router admin panel -> Site can't be reached -> Site can't be reached

I've watched this video and I did the setup. But the video doesn't give any cluse how to actually access your network from remote.

I think you are missing the OpenVPN app on your phone. It is in the app store for download.

take a look here:

I have to run for a customer appointment but will check in later again. Good Luck!!!

That's the issue. I can't connect to the VPN because the router running the VPN service sits behind a modem/router provided by my ISP.

No I'm trying it on my Mac running the Tunnelblick VPN client.

It seems like it's working now.

I have VPN and Dynamic DNS enabled on the ORBI, and DMZ enabled on the ISP's router.
Also the VPN client running on the Mac which is on a mobile data network. And I can access my HE via IP.

What did I miss before?

I'll try to set it up on my phone now and will try again. I'll report back in a little bit.


It works on iPhone (with OpenVPN app) and Mac (Tunnelblick client).
Thank y'all guys, you made my day. Your support rocks.

Here's a recap that might help others in the same situation.

My setup:
ISP modem/router -> ORBI mesh wifi -> home network devices (like HE)

  1. ISP modem/router: enable/set up DMZ to ORBI main unit (wifi router)
  2. ORBI main unit: Enable Dynamic DNS (register your domain with like Test if you can reach your router by using your new domain.
  3. ORBI main unit: Enable VPN - download the VPN profile files for the devices you want to use for access (like your notebook or your phone)
  4. Install OpenVPN clients to the device you want to use (I'm using Tunnelblick for Mac and OpenVPN app for iPhone).
  5. Import the cert/profile files you had previously downloaded from your ORBI to your Open VPN clients.

When you're not on your home wifi, start your VPN clients and type the local IP of the home network device you'd like to access remotely into the browser.

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