Need some help on these rules

Hey all,

I have been fighting with HE to properly execute these rules correctly and need a third eye and guidance.

Original Objective (rule 1):

  • Have the exterior lights turn on +30min after sunset
  • At 12:00am to turn off back porch lights and dim over 3min of time to off (to prevent Ring Doorbell from having a false positive

Objective is to turn on lights if outside if motion detected (Rule 2):

  • If RingDoor Bell Motion virtual switch turns on to 100% then dim over 3min of time to off and also turn off RingDoor Bell switch

Rule 2 seems to work whilst Rule 1 doesnā€™t seem to turn on the lights when true.

Rule 1:

Rule 2:


1st question
Why do you have the Ring motion being turned off in both the True and False of your last rule. There is already a delayed off set in the True portion.

2 question
Any reason you just don't use a virtual momentary switch for the Ring. That way you can set the auto off outside of RM and simply your rule.

Looks to me like Rule 2 is cancelling Rule 1 because the range of Rule 2 that only turns the Front Porch light off, regardless of True or False starts at 12:00AM, crossing into the time range of Rule 1 that goes until 12:01AM.

The Trigger also doesn't mean anything in Rule 2 because it contains both states of the Ring Doorbell. I would make Rule 2 into a Rule, instead of a Triggered Rule.

These are great questions! Rule number two seems to work just fine as it is and doesnā€™t seem to be affected by rule number one. Also, I am doing integration from IFTTT to HE using a switch because I canā€™t see momentary buttons in the list even though I expose them through HE. The IFTTT integration with the ring doorbell does not provide a motion off scenario allowing me to use that to turn off the switch when there is no emotion. The issue I am having is with rule number one where it does not turn on the back porch switch or front porch Dimmers and instead does nothing. When I go into the rules it says that it is true and when I close the rule then the lights go on. I am curious what I may be doing wrong? Also, I tried rule number two as a trigger but it did not work reliably. Thoughts?

I think you have a bit of a logic loop in the second Rule. Your Trigger in motion On and Off....your True and False actions both have commands to turn the motion Off (albeit at different times).
So essentially this will happen

  1. motion goes to true
  2. True action will set a timer to turn off motion after 1 minute
  3. 1 minute later the True action will turn off motion
  4. Since motion off is also a trigger, the whole rule will be evaluated again
  5. Now that motion is false so the False action will turn motion off.
  6. Again, off is a trigger so the whole rule will be evaluated again (this one I'm not 100% as I'm not sure if sending an off command while the device is already off with cause the trigger.)

Regardless, the flow is needlessly complicated and "possibly" flawed. I would just remove the motion off from the False action. It is already going to turn off after 1 minute.

Also as @SmartHomePrimer mentions you have some crossover in time between your rules. I'm too tired to try to figure out the logistics but seems like it would lead to unwanted results.

Rule 2 isnā€™t the issue. If I donā€™t have the switch off on both then after the light goes off it will never be evaluated as nothing turns off the switch because the switch will always be on.

Anyways...again Rule 1 is the issue. And they donā€™t overlap for start times. That is my issue. The lights wonā€™t go on.

It will be evaluated every time the motion sensor value changes as per the 2 triggers. So when the 1 minute timer is up, it will shut off the motion and force a re-evaluation, which will then turn off the Front Porch.

But understood that you don't want to focus on that.

Have you tried simplifying the condition on Rule for testing?
Set the Condition timeframe to a couple of minutes from now and see if it executes. You never know, it might be a bug in RM.

Ok I think I figured it out. Rule 2 was trumping on Rule 1 with the false statement. So now I set a time restriction for Rule 2 to only be available between 12:00am - sunrise.