I’m looking for a simple humidity/temperature sensor to put under my porch to feed reliable temp/humidity. Z-Wave or Zigbee are fine. It will be somewhat protected from rain, elements so an indoor one might be acceptable. I want to stay within 100% HE compatible so I’m avoiding the Xiomi Aqara line.
I have had an Aeon MultiSensor6 under an eave for a couple years now. It's very strange because the battery only got changed once in that time. My other 11 need battery changes all the time.. including 3 yesterday.
How accurate do you think the temp and humidity are?
I have never needed accuracy, I've needed repeatability. In other words, the sensor's driver allows an offset to adjust the temp and humidity... which I haven't used. What I've wanted to know is is the humidity higher or lower than an hour ago..
Got ya....thanks
I have a ms6 on my covered deck. I feel the temp is very accurate and humidity is good also. They are usually right on with my weather station and tv weatherman. My battery life is remarkable also. Great product. And you can run it off a 5v USB ps if ac is available.
They are proud of those things... lol I can put another 100 with it and get a PWS...
Right now there is a seller on ebay offering them for $38 + $10 shipping NIB. I bought 3.
Has anyone used the Switchbot line for Thermometer and Hygrometer with HE?
Looks like it wouldn't be that hard to do via Node-Red, node,js, etc, as they have some python examples for local control/data gathering.
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