Need help - Zigbee Curtain Module

Hello again! I just tested this driver and it works perfectly it seems. It also correctly seems to show the blind/curtain position.

Do you need any information from me?

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I am glad to hear it worked for you! : )

You can test whether the "TS130F Calibration Time" works for you?
Enter the full open / full close time in seconds in the second edit box and click on the Calibrate button.
This should affect the time after which the motor will stop rotating on Open and Close commands.

I am not sure what the other two commands "Calibration On" and "Calibration Off" should do.

Ok I tested the calibration and it seems to be working correctly, it notes it in the debug log that it has changed and does affect it too

Great, thank you!

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Thank you for all of this.

Hi Kkossev, I have noticed recently that the driver sometimes shows the device as “not present” the module is unresponsive during this time. It is happened even though the device is very close to the hub so it’s not a range issue.

TBH, I have never digged deeper into the present / not present logic implemented in this driver.

It’s no problem, It seems to have fixed itself.

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Hello again, sorry to bother. Do you know if it is possible to get the set level to work with this device? Doesn’t work currently.

What do you see in the live logs when clicking on the 'SetLevel' button?
Does the SetPosition button work?

Actually, I am not sure how setting a particular position is supposed to work with these TS130F models, as there is no feedback from the motor? My understanding is that the only possible commands are to fully open and fully close the blinds. The limits for fully opening and the fully closing positions are set as a timeout values.

Hi Kkossev,

Thanks for getting back to me. Neither set level nor set position seem to work. Strangely enough, when I closed the curtains, I can see the level changing from 100 down to 0 but if I say set level to 50, you would think that the device would know where the level is.

I have screenshots of the debug log. I think you might be right that the device can’t set a level.


We will know for sure if someone is using TS130F curtain modules with Tuya or Home Assistant and can share his experience.

I have home assistant but use hubitat as my Zigbee hub because I find it more stable than the dongles for HA. I can try and test to see.

Currently I have the makerAPI set up so I can control all devices on home assistant, and set level and cover.stop_cover call services don’t work.

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