Need help with hubitat rule machine notifications


So I have this action " Notify MyPhone: 'test 123'"" but im not getting anything sent to my phone I have the app and the app has permission to notifications FYI by app I mean the app on my phone

Are you "connected" to your HE hub that is sending the notification? In the mobile App under Settings, look at the 5th option for Hub and make sure it is the one you want.

Also, are you seeing anything under Notifications in the HE mobile App? If not, maybe try turning on logging in the RM rule to make sure it is being triggered. You could always try running the actions manually if you want to force it.

There are a few other troubleshooting options, but perhaps these will be a good start...


the 5th setting option you are talking about I looked and everything is right

If you go to the specific phone device on your Hubitat hub, can you send a notification that is received by the phone?

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You mean this?


When clicking this
I do not get any Notify

I would suggest fixing connectivity between your mobile and the hub first. Because that appears to be the underlying problem.

how do I fix it?

I don't know what kind of phone you have. But in general, go to Settings and make sure you select the desired hub.

I have a Samsung galaxy s22 do you mean the settings in the app or the hub

App. And I know nothing about Android devices, so I'll let someone else step in .....

the app should be the same for iPhone and Samsung

I fixed it by deleting the phone and adding it again

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