Need help with between time logic


I'm trying to limit when these lights come on. During the winter when the sunrise is after 7am it works fine, but now that it is earlier, it seems to be looking forward the 24 hours as it is evaluating true. Does anyone know how to fix this clause?

Thank you in advance!


You should check out Room Lights instead of RM. Much easier for things like this, and it has Earlier/Later of two times feature.

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It's looking forward because sunrise is before 7 am. So, at 7 am, the next sunrise is 6:49 am the following day.

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To make this work in RM you need two over lapping time conditions. Pick a time that will always be before Sunrise+30. Let's say 4:00 AM for this example. Make your first condition
Time between 4:00 AM and Sunrise+30 minutes

Now pick a time that will always be after Sunrise+30. Let's say 9:00 AM. Make your second condition
Time between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM

Make your IF
IF (Time between 4:00 AM and Sunrise+30 minutes AND Time between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM) THEN

Since both conditions must be true, this will only work when Sunrise+30 is after 7:00 AM.

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