Need help setting up 5-button Pico remote

I have configured a lutron bridge with a 5-button pico remote.
I've successfuly added the bridge to the hubitat.
I made a failed attempt to install the remote and ended up with it installing the fast pico option.
Then I discovered
and installed the code.

I then proceeded to setup the pico. It gave me prompts for setting all 5 of the buttons and everything seemed to be going well - but - pushing the buttons on the remote didn;t do anything.

I then realized that it was probably due to having selected fast pico so I removed everything related to my first attempt and also removed the pico from the lutron.

When I tried to add it back, it no longer shows me the options to configure all 5 buttons, only on and off.

At this point I'm totally lost and could really use some help solving this problem and also to get a better understanding of how I am supposed to use this because I have 3 more remotes waiting.

Thank you

Hi! Dimmer Button Controller author here. :slight_smile: I see you have another problem in a different thread. I'm not sure if that is related (they sound different?), but since that sounds like a problem with the Pico itself, DBC definitely won't work if the Pico doesn't, so I'd fix that first.

If that's not the only problem: can you post a screenshot of what you see in DBC? (I'm assuming that's where you see the problem; I'm not sure where you only see the "on and off" options.) Also, DBC can work with either the fast of "regular" Pico drivers, so that was not a problem--it just depends on what devices you want to use from the Picos (I actually happen to prefer the fast driver; your preferences may vary).

Finally, while I obviously like DBC (I wrote it to fulfill I need I had), if it doesn't work for you, there are built-in options that might. The built-in Button Controller app is one option and is probably where I would start. The community Advanced Button Controller (ABC) app is another popular option. Rule Machine with a "Button Device" trigger (not "Button") is very similar to Button Controller but with the extra power of Rule Machine. None of these are really geared towards controlling bulbs or dimmers specifically, which is why I wrote my app, though any should technically work. Just wanted to mention other options in case my app doesn't work out for you! But I'm happy to help if my app is a problem.

I'm working my way into this and new problems keep cropping.
I got a pico remote enabled with 5 button support talking to one Sengled buld.
I thought this was great.
The next stop was to install 2 more Sengled bulds and connect them to the Pido-1 Dimmer Button Controller.

The pico still turns on bulb 1 but NOT bulb 2 or 3.

I tried adding the bulbs to a group. For some reason they show up in the create group screen as dimmers and not bulbs. Anyway I added the three to a group and then connectrd the group tomthe pico instead of the individual buld.

After that pressing the pico buttons did nothing.

Thrn i went back to the original config and again only bulb-1 will turn on and off. #s 2 and three do nothing.

BTW - if I open the group in devices and click on, all three bulbs activate, just not prom the pico.

Thisis probably another item that I should have known intuitively but I stuck.

Please help,

If the Sengleds are not color (so white only), they will show up as dimmers instead of bulbs. That is normal. As for why the rest doesn't work, it's hard to say. Do the devices work normally if you manually manipulate them from the device page? Try commands like on, off, and set level. If not, no app (including Dimmer Button Controller) will be able to manipulate them, either, and you've narrowed the problem to some kind of device issue.

I found the problem. The button presses for added bulbs did not inherit the levels from bulb-1 so they defaulted to 0 (blank).

This was easy to fix once I recognized the issue.
Do you think it would be useful for the app to clone the existing bulb/button setting as more bulbs are added to the pico?

I'm not sure. It's hard to tell (not impossible...) when new devices are added, and you may want them all configured differently regardless. If you do want them all the same, or you reasonably anticipate wanting that, check the "Set for all" option (I forget the exact wording of this, and you'll have to go into Advanced to turn it on if you only have one bulb start since it's hidden by default in that case).

I actually had it on for bulb-1 in anticipation of adding 2 more but it got turned off by the process off including additional bubls.

Are you sure? It is hidden by default unless you only have one bulb. On the "main" page, you need to enable this setting under "Advanced" (but again, only if you only have one bulb--otherwise it will be there):

Then you also need to enable this for each specific action:

This should not happen, and I just tested and was unable to replicate the behavior. If you can, please provide specific steps to replicate, and I will look into it. If the above option(s) are not on, you will have to configure states for each bulb, and new bulbs will not "inherit" any existing settings--but that is expected behavior.

No, at this point I'm not certain of very much. This being totally new to me, I have thrashed around so much that my recollection of the sequence is worthless.

Thanks for the additional info. I will help.

Also, I would like to support you. There was a donation opportunity somewhere but I've lost track of that as well.

I have added a second lutron bridge and moved one of the picos to it after removing it from the lutron integration. The new bridge recognized the pico and paired it. I then set up a second lutron integration and added the pico to it. I had already created a dimmer button controller for that pico so I linked it to the new pico/bridge.

Pushing the buttons on the pico doesn't do anything and the log shows some errors:

dev:332021-04-12 10:03:42.226 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: lutronPico.updateTelnetInfo() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry) values: [, lutID1=2] Possible solutions: updateTelnetInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (updateTelnetInfo)

dev:332021-04-12 09:21:24.178 pm infoPico Kitchen button 5 was pushed

dev:332021-04-12 09:20:59.670 pm infoPico Kitchen button 1 was pushed

dev:332021-04-12 09:18:10.743 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: lutronPico.updateTelnetInfo() is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl, java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry) values: [lutron_telnet_76, lutID1=2] Possible solutions: updateTelnetInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (updateTelnetInfo)

dev:332021-04-12 09:18:10.696 pm warninstalled...

I don't know what to do next. Can you help?