Need Help - Please : Can not update to new hub - FIXED

Updating to new c-8 from old c-8 is not working :frowning:
I have made a cloud backup of old c-8 fm145 and powered down
I started the new hub and got the welcome screen login as same user as old
same email and password .. and try to use : restore from cloud and it shows the page.
with NO backups ! I 99% i followed the steps listed in this write up.

But is not showing ANY backups :frowning: any help ?

Go to My Hubitat > Registered hubs section.
Do both hubs show up with admin (not displaying guest account underneath)?

Click Hub Details on both hubs, do both show the exact same admin user/email on them?

Like this:

Not like this:

yes they do thanks for helping :slight_smile:


Do I need to transfer first ? Transfer subscription >?

No, if you do that you wont be able to make a new cloud backup from the old hub if needed.

What path did you take on step 4, and then that leads to the proper steps in Step 5

@bobbyD any other reasons the backup would not be showing up?

I tryed both .. but now I am "logged In" to the new one ..

Restore from local or cloud backup?" instead). Log in to your My Hubitat account when prompted. This must be the same account under which the backup in step 2 < did this

You could try just setting it up as a new hub so you can get to the normal UI, then go to Settings > Backup and see if you can do the cloud restore from there. Otherwise I have no other ideas.

Yea .. the hub is setup in a "new state" nothing listed apps / devices ect.
I goto backups .. and nothing shows up ;(


Try checking for updates on that hub, see if it can get through the HE cloud or if it hangs. My only other thought it maybe it cannot connect to the cloud server for some reason.

Think I did that .. they are both on : the new hub came with : pre installed

If you've already set the hub up, can you go to Settings > Network Setup, launch the Network Test utility towards the top, type in the Ping Host box, then hit the Ping button next to that and see what happens?

I reinstalled the old one just to get things working I'll have to try it tomorrow when I have more time.

No, you do not need to transfer the subscription. Just make sure your new hub is able to connect to the cloud. If the cloud backup is still not visible on the new hub, please send me a private message.

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I can connect to it from my home network ..
i can access the home web page. and Diagnostic Tool.
I will try : and see .. but can not till later this afternoon :frowning:
Thanks for responding :slight_smile:

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Another way (my favorite way) to verify cloud connectivity is by going to My Hubitat > Registered Hubs. Click on Hub Details. Check the "Last Checkin" and "Active" info.

@bobbyD IMO This is possibly better than just the ping because it 100% confirms if the hub is contacting the cloud server or not. Correct?



That is correct. And is also a good indicator if we can retrieve engineering logs. If the active status is "no," the logs would not be available either, to further research on our side.

Well it looks like it was checking in yesterday .. but then I could not see backups ..
so I switched back to my old hub but this is what it says when i checked ..

I am about to try shutting down OLD hub Now .. and connect the new one.

Thanks to the staff and help from @gopher.ny and @bobbyD they fixed the problem !
They had to "fix" it on their side .. some strange problem with the new hub not seeing the cloud backups!

Seems what needs to be done is ..
have the user run the cloud backup on the old hub, then perform the transfer of Hub Protect to the new hub, then check and restore the cloud backup on the new hub.

Fixed it .. and now was able to see the backups and do a cloud restore :))
Everything's backup and working :))


Gald to hear it finally worked out! :+1:

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