Naming Devices

How does everyone name there devices?

just asking cause right now im doing "Type of device (Location)" but not sure if that is going to get harder to manage in future. Anyone with a ton of devices want to share their tips?

The way I do things is as follows. Works for me.
Lounge-Curtain Xiaomi Sensor.
Lounge-Hue Lightstrip
Hall-Downstairs Xiaomi Motion Sensor
Hall-Upstairs Xiaomi Motion Sensor

You get the idea,

I start with location, then type of device
Ex: Master Bath Motion

Keep in mind that right now the Hubitat dashboard does not allow you to set a different device name for use on the tiles, so whatever you name your devices is what they are going to show up as on the dashboard.

Shorter the better!!

Between Dashboard and voice (Siri/Alexa), long descriptive names are a pain.

Wall Switch... it controls a wall socket/receptacle. And a Light is plugged into it.. so what is this thing?? :smiley:

Wall Switch? Wall Socket? Light?

I made the "mistake" of naming it based on the thing I upgrade to ZWave.. so... Wall Switch.

But now, I have to remember that if I'm going to impress visitors with Voice. No "turn on the light" for me.. gotta be "turn on the wall switch" :sob:

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Agreed with shorter is better. I use to name as what they were .... Family Room Switch. I find it better to name then was to what they do ... Family Room Lights. I am more conscious now about consistency too. Half of mine were 'Lights' and the other half were 'Switch' at one point in time. Trying to remember which was which was difficult and Alexa does not do what you meant, only what you say. I renamed those switches that control lights to 'Light' so at least I am consistent now and Alexa is much more agreeable to my commands.

And you can always rename them later. Change the device label field only.

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I have 70+ devices. That's rather in the same category as WebCoRE users from ST learning RM :smiley: :smiley:

I use a combination:
For devices: Location Device Name (Bedroom Nightstand)

For Sensors: Type - Location (Motion - Basement)

I treat them like variable names. Specifically, I use typeModelName, like controlPicoBedroom, lightWhiteKitchen, or sensorMotionLivingRoom (or, I would if I had motion sensors in the living room).

For "shorter is better"... First, I don't have Google Home connected to Hubitat hint hint. Second, I can rename them under Google. (I also don't have a dashboard as yet, but could label them.) What works best for Hue different from on Home which differs from Hubitat... and Lutron.