All Zigbee devices pair securely by default, there is no insecure option and they manage to encrypt data with 50% to 60% less frames per transaction than Z-wave S0 security.
ZigBee devices will indescriminatly join to any network once in pairing mode. Z-Wave will only connect to one network. And I'd rather have fewer hops with locks. Personally, I've never had any issue at all with my Z-Wave locks. Most everything else, I've some sort of issue with at some point in time. With sensors, some one-off issue in 6 months isn't really an issue, but locks are mission critical.
No exactly sure about this... Any Zigbee or Z-Wave device that is put into pairing mode will happily join any controller that is in pairing mode. I don't see much, if any difference in this regard? Please explain this a little more.
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