My experience with mmWave sensors

Thanks for the detailed post and pics, @vitaliy_kh! The mmWave sensors are very interesting and new (to me) toys, and they have also solved a couple difficult motion/presence sensing issues in my home.

I'm using the Linptech mmWave sensors. On Amazon they were $29.99 w/a $5 coupon for a while, but (at least the pricing I'm seeing) they have now moved to $39 w/a $10 coupon. Likely cheaper on Ali, but I haven't had the patience to wait for their longer shipping times. :slight_smile: They work directly w/HE thanks to @kkossev's excellent drivers.

I have found the Linptech to be accurate, reaonably fast, and completely reliable w/sensing both motion and still presence. The issues they solved for me were reliably sensing:

  • Wife's presence in office when she is sitting very still for extended periods of time. Even when she is in what I call it her "Sphinx Mode," the Linptech sensor keeps accurate track that she is still there and keeps the light on.
  • Presence in shower through glass walls/door w/towel hanging over door. Wife didn't want any sensors in/above the shower, so the Linptech mmWave was the solution. Sensor is mounted about 5 1/2' away, and accurately tracks if someone is in the shower even when we're sitting down on the bench in the shower. Haven't tried it in steam shower mode yet, but expect that will also work well.

In both cases I combine an Iris v2 motion sensor w/the Linptech in my Room Lighting automations for quicker initial reaction/lights on. The Linptech isn't exactly slow, but the Iris are noticably faster (always been one of the fastest motion sensors). Topic focused on the Linptech here.

Shout out to @kkossev who has been an incredible resource in general for mmWave sensor drivers, sharing general information, identifying which ones would work best w/HE, etc., and to @vitaliy_kh and others like @JumpJump and @gassgs who have contributed excellent feedback, and in @gassgs's case, also work on the dedicated Linptech driver.