Multiple Hue Bridge Support

If that is by design, then I suggest warning the user that when they do so much as click the name of their bridge in the integration app (something that someone might intuitively try if they think there are any settings behind that option), the authentication for the existing bridge will be irrevocably deleted. I volunteer to be labeled as the "idiot" you should assume your users are. :slight_smile:

I'm not sure if some wording changed in the integration app in the last few updates, but it no longer seems as clear to me as I once thought it was that the integration app would let you add multiple Hue bridges. Glad to hear that it's actually coming in a future update though! Won't help me (unless just clicking the above will no longer erase my username...) but should help people who run into the Hue limit, and it would roughly parallel what someone might expect based on how the Lutron integration works.

I also learned the hard way that it clears out the account in preparation for the new one. I think a warning would be nice.

I look forward to seeing support in the next build. I have 2 Hue hubs, and will probably get a 3rd.

The latest hub update did it, I have both Hue bridges connected now. Thanks!


@mike.maxwell is there a way to manually enter an IP for the Hue Bridge for discovery like you can in the Hue App?

I have 4 Hue Bridges and for some reason the discovery process only finds two of them, the other two never show up despite trying for several days now.

I rebooted Hubitat and the problematic Hue Bridges but still no joy. The Hue App on either iOS or Android has no trouble discovering them, same with ST, Alexa, etc. Just seems Hubitat can't find them for some reason!

I've got the same issue. Two hubs here... one auto-discovers... the second one just won't. I'm assuming that device auto-discovery is just mDNS/ZeroConf/Bonjour... in which case... I can confirm that both devices are answering mDNS lookups:

jules@unifi:~$ avahi-browse -a | grep -i hue

  • eth0 IPv4 Philips Hue - 70AAD5 _hue._tcp local
  • eth0 IPv4 Philips Hue - 4B43C0 _hue._tcp local
  • eth0 IPv4 Philips hue - 70AAD5 _hap._tcp local
  • eth0 IPv4 Philips hue - 4B43C0 _hap._tcp local

Any suggestions on how to work around this?

Are you installing two separate hue bridge integration apps?

Hi Patrick.

Yes ... I was using two integrations.

Interestingly... the second one did EVENTUALLY turn up... but at least 30 mins later.

So that works, but I'm still not sure why it's slow to find these things - as I say... an mDNS can spot them basically instantaneously.

-- Jules

We don't currently support mdns and use ssdp to discover. Ssdp responses can take awhile for all devices to check in to the requester.

Ah. OK. That explains it. SSDP isn't one I've had exposure to before - I've always used mDNS (Zeroconf, effectively) for device discovery in the past, and (mistaken) assumed this was the way everybody else did it :wink:

-- Jules

This gem of information is what was needed to successfully install a 2nd Bridge!