Multiple devices per action vs one device per action?

I did remove the device from the G&S group but the device reported its last command as bindGroup(unbind, 257). It would seem that G&S is calling into the device driver to tell it to add or remove itself from membership in the group, and the driver is erroneously binding/unbinding the device to the group instead of (or in addition to) adding/removing it to the group. Two different things, right?

Makes sense, but I don't know how to determine that. The driver reports group bind id for up to three groups, and it also has a readonly device bind count, which always shows 0. If it still is in fact a member of group 257, the driver doesn't seem to indicate that.

Not really
The binding option in the driver is firing a group command using the group id set by the hubitat group app. This functionality doesnt make any sense to me.

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@ericm implied in another thread that this is actually intentional Blue behavior, which I find baffling if true.

I've asked @mark.amber to assist with additional information/clarification.

I should be able to replicate an instance of this over the weekend, so I'll try to capture those trace logs for Mark.