Multiple Actions Bug/Issue

When adding actions to a Machine Rule, If you add them all at once using the checkboxes you wind up with a single action rule containing multiple items:

There are two issues with this. If you want to delete or change actions in one of the items you can't- you must delete all of them and start over. Secondly, nothing stops you from adding another action with an already existing device which will conflict with the one in multiple list:

When you add actions/devices individually, you wind up with a separate list:

Here you can individually delete or change an action without disturbing the other actions. Seems to me this is a bug that makes the Machine rule harder to use. It's a pain to add individual actions to the rule, and its also a pain to have to delete all the actions to change one of them in the multiple list scenario.

I disagree with your characterization of this as a "bug". In your example case of "adding another conflicting action", this is perfectly valid - the second action will be sent after the first. The same can be done in your second example, with a second action added for the same device at the end.

To your original problem statement, the grouped action can be edited to add/remove a device, then a different action added.

From my point of view, at least, once a rule is developed and working, how often do you intend to go back and edit it? There are different nuances to the interaction that frustrate you, I get it. Your proposed changes add nuances that will frustrate someone else, I'm sure

You do realize that you can Edit an action, and simply drop one of the devices it touches. You don't have to delete the action.

In my situation, I am in the process of setting up/adding new devices over a several week period. I have found some paired devices do not to work properly. So I need to exclude it and start over. You must remove a device from all rules before exclusion or rules break.

I have found no way to edit/change/delete an individual item in the group list without changing the action of every item in the list.

Select the "Edit Action" drop-down, select the action you want to edit, then you can change the selected devices for this action.

If you want to change what the action executes, then yes, you have to delete/add with a new list (no different from your individual lines case)

"Edit Action" changes the action of every item in the multiple list. Not what I need as I have a combination of switches and dimmers in my multiple list.

"Edit action" edits the chosen action (or really the devices and other sections you can make for that action--you can't use it to replace one type of action with a completely different one). If you have additional actions where you also need to change devices, you'll need to do the same for those.

But here's a tip: while it's not really the intent of the feature, cloning or exporting/importing a rule (or any app) gives you the ability to choose different devices for the clone/imported instance. If the number you want to change is more than the number you want to keep, perhaps you'll find that easier. (Clone, then remove the original?)

At the platform level, there have been some user requests for a "replace device" feature that would work across all apps. I think they are aware of this. Not sure if this is actually possible to implement or under serious consideration, but it doesn't exist at the moment in any case (outside of a specific Z-Wave feature, at least).

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Thanks- that good info.

We have actually implemented this, but have misgivings about releasing it. It seems likely to be the source of even more confusion. And, it's no panacea for deleting a device if you forget to replace it first!


I for one really hope you do release it! It would be very useful! Any way of making it into an advanced option somehow?


Perhaps the solution is a simple on/off slide switch on-screen that enters the selections individually or as a group.

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