Multichannel driver not receiving MultiChannelCmdEncap events

I am writing a driver for a device that exposes two endpoints for two binary switches. The device is a one button Heltun Touch Panel Switch. A basic driver for this was released with Hubitat version 2.2.9 but this driver only exposes one of the two endpoints.

If I factory reset my device, when the device sends a SwitchBinaryReport, the endpoint is null (not ) becasue the command is not encapsulated in a MultiChannelCmdEncap event.

If I then configure the device with the basic driver supplied with Hubitat 2.2.9 and then switch back to my driver, it all starts working. I receive SwitchBinaryReport events encapsulated in MultiChannelCmdEncap events. So, there must be something my driver is not doing during configuration.

The question is: what do I need to do in my driver (presumably during configuration) to get the device to send me SwitchBinaryReport events encapsulated in MultiChannelCmdEncap events.

OK, got this working.

Remove single channel association:

zwave.associationV2.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier: 1, nodeId: [])

Set multichannel association:

zwave.multiChannelAssociationV2.multiChannelAssociationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, multiChannelNodeIds: [[nodeId: zwaveHubNodeId, bitAddress: 0, endPointId: 0]])

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