Motion Sensor Lighting override

Hey everyone,

Iā€™m new to Hubitat (and loving it). I programmed 3 motion sensors so that if any are active and it is evening then bathroom and hallway lights turn on at 20% dim and stay on until there is no motion for all the motion sensors. It works well, untilā€¦,

My wife raised the dimming level using the physical switch (Lutron Caseta) so she could give my son a bath and the lights kept dimming on her.

Any thoughts? I was thinking of a conditional (if lights already on and there is any motion, only cancel delayed turn off). Any other ideas?

Along your current line of thinking, I would probably use a conditional statement IF light is off THEN dim to 20%. The rule won't change it back to 20% if someone changes it.

Right on -- I would've missed that.

Or just stop bathing the children :slight_smile:


The built in app motion lighting has options for this I"m pretty sure. It would be worth a look for a number of other benefits.

I use virtual switches. For example the den/entryway has a motion sensor because the switch isn't near the door.

But sometimes guest sleep in that room.

I have a virtual switched called "Den Override". Using the simple rules you can negate motion turning lights on if a certain switch is on. I also have a rule that turns the over ride back off the next day after sun rise.

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