Motion Retrigger in 'device' or Use Rule

Say I want to leave a light on for 5 minutes after motion stops. Should I use motion retrigger in Device, or set the 5 minutes duration in a rule?

I changed several devices, from, say, 20 seconds, to 5 minutes, and the rule to zero because I thought the log was getting too busy. But maybe that doesn't make any difference.

Several times the light didn't trigger on motion (not seen in log), for whatever reason, and I had to wait 5 minutes before I could activate the motion sensor once again, whereupon it lit. So I can see this being a reason to use a rule vs. device setting.

A good approach would be the following:

There are also some excellent apps that will do this.

You can disable reporting in the logs. I have done this and now my log is mostly warnings and errors. Makes it much easier to read!

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That's looks like RM4-I'm mostly just SA myself.

I'm looking at either this rule:

or this device setting: