Motion lighting - smooth transition between different mode color settings

right now even with fade duration set, if the light colours are different at different modes, it just flicks over quickly... it would be nice if it faded neatly like how it does with dimmer mode transition...

fade color transition as well

thank you

Right now you could probably use the motion lighting app and a custom app - Lighting Effects - to accomplish what you're looking for. You can search for that here on the forums and it's easy to setup


thanks for that. I have 70 lifx globes so not sure if this app will be able to handle it. As i change all of them (but only at mode change) so maybe it could work. will try it out

edit; that app isn't really built for that as there is no option to use modes other than me setting up a custom switch which would be controlled by the mode. So it could work just a bit messy.

having motion lighting fade the color change would be nice and neat

Yeah I mentioned that you'd have to use both together. You setup the rule and turn on the virtual switch to activate the change